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4/11/84 Page -5- <br />Should we participate officially in the <br />Adanns County - Jefferson County Task Force? <br />What= position should we represent? What <br />should be the charge to our participants? <br />Should there be a committee in Boulder County <br />on W-470? What information can be shared <br />on <~n ongoing basis? Do Boulder County muni- <br />cip<~lities have a position now on W-470? If <br />there are costs involved in the Study, who <br />should pay? <br />Councilwoman Morris requested feed-back from <br />all the councilmembers if they have specific <br />feelings on these issues. <br />Location of W-470 In reply to Councilwoman Johnson's question, <br />Administrator Wurl advised W-470 would be <br />going to Baseline on the north and County <br />line on the south, all of which is in the <br />vicinity of Louisville; he felt these were <br />the limitations. It would connect at I-25 <br />and. the most logical place for the highway <br />to come through would be Dillon Road. There <br />is an existing overpass on 144th and I-25 <br />which could be changed into an Interchange. <br />Them 120th would be eliminated. The next <br />overpass over I-25 is 136th Ave. which <br />does not meet the 2-mile standard set by <br />the Highway Dept. for interchanges, so <br />this was his reason for saying that the next <br />logical spot would be 144th in Adams County <br />which is Dillon Road in Boulder County., or <br />Highway 7 which is in Baseline. The further <br />north you move into Boulder County the more <br />problems you have in trying to get back and <br />trying to connect to Highway 93 which is <br />where they want to connect. The thought in <br />Jefferson County is to extend the alignment <br />of Highway 93, turn to the east and connect <br />into I-25 somewhere within that area. <br />Councilman Luce Commented he felt that we should be lobbying <br />to whatever extent we can to see that the <br />criteria of our motion become a part of the <br />study rather than condoning whatever the <br />outcome is. Stated it would be easy for this <br />process to be pushed forward because of the <br />financial interests at stake, and once the <br />process is started it would be difficult to <br />strop it. The cost concerned him. If Boulder <br />County participates then it was his feeling <br />tYiat they would ask the municipalities to <br />share the costs and did not favor this. <br />