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12/18/84 Page -2- <br />Councilman Leary Commented that the building permit allocations <br />were based upon the City's legal agreements <br />with developers and the total for 1985 re- <br />flects that. He further commented that <br />Council did not budget for 401 building per- <br />mits; they budgeted expecting revenues from <br />250. <br />BUILDING PERMIT MORATORIUM Mayor Meier moved, Councilman Cussen seconded <br />LIFTED AS OF DECEMBER 31, 1984 that the building permit moratorium be lifted <br />as of December 31, 1984. <br />Councilman Leary wished to reaffirm that the <br />water treatment plant was on schedule. <br />Administrator Hundley advised that the bidding <br />process had been delayed but this would not <br />delay the June 1, 1985 deadline for completion. <br />VOTE ON THE MOTION All in favor. Motion carried unanimously. <br />REPLACEMENT OF CITY CLERK Cou.ncilmembers had copies of memos from <br />City Attorney Rautenstraus stating the re- <br />quirements for this replacement under Colo- <br />radlo State Statutes, and duties as specified <br />in the Municipal Code. Also a memo from <br />City Administrator Hundley stating his <br />recommendations. <br />Mayor Meier commented that he had enjoyed <br />working with City Clerk Cleo Mudrock. She <br />hay; been a joy and bolster to a lot of things <br />that the City has gone through and we are <br />going to miss her very much. <br />City Administrator Hundley suggested that <br />we open the position up in-house and fill <br />it; as he did believe we have several quali- <br />fiE~d people for the position. <br />Councilwoman Morris inquired of Administrator <br />Hundley when Council would have to begin <br />initial action on the combined position of <br />City Clerk/Executive Secretary, to change this. <br />Mr„ Hundley stated in terms of combining the <br />po:~ition, we already have but if there are <br />any other legal changes that is something <br />that Council needs to consider putting on <br />the ballot. <br />