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12/18/84 Page -3- <br />Attorney Rautenstraus advised that if it <br />wasn't going to be an elected position, it <br />needs to be on the ballot. This would be <br />on the ballot in the Municipal Election and <br />and he felt that there was some criteria <br />on the length of time beforehand; possibly <br />180 days prior to the election. An ordin- <br />ance needs to be adopted by Council and <br />then the ordinance comes up for a vote at <br />the Municipal Election. Attorney Rauten- <br />straus to review this and have the infor- <br />mation at the next Council meeting. It <br />would be an e:ection by the populace to <br />make the position appointive reather than <br />elective. <br />Councilman Leary commented possibly it is <br />legal to appoint someone without advertising <br />the position; but felt that in principle we <br />would be short-cutting the process by not <br />asking for applications and then an appoint- <br />ment based on that. He had some concern <br />about taking an elected position and not <br />making it a more open process by allowing <br />applications. <br />Attorney Rautenstraus advised that legally <br />Council can just apppint someone who meets <br />the qualifications. He felt historically <br />with most of the positions that have opened <br />up with the City, Council usually has chosen <br />to advertise the position. <br />Mr. Hundley stated that the Personnel Policies <br />call for first consideration opening the <br />position up in house and then after a period <br />of time opening it up to the public. In <br />this case it is a different type position <br />and, in the interest of saving tax-payers <br />dollars we have tried to combine the position <br />into something that makes sense. It is <br />his understanding that the current salary <br />for the City Clerk is $150 a month. It was <br />his feeling that it would be very difficult <br />to get someone, other than an existing City <br />employee, who would be interested in taking <br />on the responsibilities for just that amount <br />and', no other responsibilites or compensation. <br />He further stated he felt that whereas it <br />maybe appropriate to advertise, he was not <br />certain that it would only be a token gesture <br />in some respects. <br />