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12/96/84 <br />Page -11- <br />really excited people who •.are willing to p~~a. <br />their money where their mouth is and make <br />it 1-iappen. He apologized for the fact th~~.?- <br />they had allowed Council to get into this <br />position of frustration and ultimately <br />recommending what Council has tonight. <br />He asked if there was anything they could. <br />do before it goes any further, he would <br />be happy to do whatever it takes. <br />Councilman Leary stated that this has been <br />a very high priority to hi.m also and he <br />failed too; and since it was been a priority <br />and hasn't been carried through, that he <br />took the blame for a lot of the failure. <br />Coun.cilmembers are not threatening anythir:. <br />or anyone. The fact that the project hasr~' <br />been tied up reflects as much upon him as <br />anyone else. Mr. Leary stated that he was <br />willing to sit down with whomever necessar~~ <br />He didn't think it would take long to iron <br />out the issues in terms of dollars; it can <br />be phased. We know what the dollar amount <br />is and have also been working on putting <br />provisions in to deal with the residential <br />property so that their taxes are deferred <br />until it is sold so that we don't displace <br />the elderly.or anyone living in the down- <br />town area. He felt part of the problem was <br />that we are not always talking to the right <br />people. He had never been in a room with <br />anyone but supporters. <br />Mr. Thompson felt that within two weeks they <br />could have all the inforamtion Council re- <br />quested. They intend to advertise, put up <br />posters, spend a lot of money to get people <br />involved and get both sides of that story. <br />They are seeing their failures clearly tonight. <br />He e:mplored Council to give it another try <br />before they make a firm decision. <br />Russ Caldwell Commented that there must be a formula to <br />get enough of the merchants to support it <br />to meet the standards of the law to make <br />the project move forward. <br />VOTE ON THE MOTION TO Roll call vote: <br />TABLE ORDINANCE N0. 852 Cussen No <br />Leary Yes <br />Meier Yes <br />Morris No <br />Luce Yes <br />Motion carried 3 - 2. <br />