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11/;x/84 <br />Page -6- <br />Councilwoman Morris arrived at the meeting <br />at 8:12 P.M. <br />Peter Gauss, 1125 Main Mr. Gauss stated that he wished to talk about <br />St. his philosophy about what is happening be- <br />tweE~n the two cities. He wished to commend <br />botYi City Councils and the Mayors and Boulder <br />County for this effort. to maintain buffers <br />between these jurisdictri.arns.~. We only have <br />one chance to maintain open space in the metro <br />area because we have such a limited resource, <br />which is land, in this area. With the urbani- <br />zation of our enviornment, we lower the <br />quality of life because it decreases the <br />attractiveness of the area; increases urban <br />sprawl; and decreases the recognition of <br />urban centers in this area. In Louisville <br />we Yiave commitments to develop commercially <br />othE~r areas, i.e. CTC and Homart. We also <br />have a higher commitment though to maintain <br />the quality of life for future generations, <br />and avoid random development that destroys <br />the multi-use concept of land management. <br />Ovex- development also removes land from other <br />use:; such as agriculture, recreation and <br />aesthetic and natural uses. Mr. Gauss quoted <br />from a speech made by a great conservationist <br />Republican President, Teddy Roosevelt, who <br />wasn't quoted much in the past elelction <br />about his thoughts on our environment. He <br />sari, "to waste, to destroy our natural re- <br />sour-ces, to skin and exhaust the land will <br />result in the undermining in the days of <br />our children, the very prosperity which we <br />ought by right to hand down to them." Mr. <br />Gauss stated that he felt that those of us <br />along the front range needed to think about <br />that:. He would, therefore, hope that the <br />Councils will continue in their efforts to <br />maintain our open space not only between <br />Louisville and Lafayette; but also between <br />other urban centers such as Broomfield. <br />Authorization for Mayor Councilwoman Johnson moved, Councilman Luce <br />to Sign the Agreement seconded that Mayor Meier be authorized to <br />sign the agreement between, Louisville, Lafay- <br />ettE~ and Boulder County. <br />Councilman Luce Comrnented in his view, this agreement <br />perhaps long overdue is of an hustoric <br />