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Louisville City Council Meeting <br />July 26, 2003 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br /> <br />Deputy City Manager Julie Boyd stated Ordinance No. 1424, Series 2003 sets an election <br />question allowing the City to continue to receive a 3% use tax on purchase of building <br />materials for residential property. The revenue would be used to fund youth-related <br />activities. The ordinance would continue the use tax previously approved by the <br />Louisville voters in 1994 and commonly known as the "school tax". The use tax was <br />originally approved to generate funding for Monarch High School and since its <br />completion; the use tax has provided playground equipment, technology, auditorium <br />equipment and other items. The ballot question would reflect this change in intent for the <br />use tax, allowing expenditures "for purposes determined by the City Council to further <br />the acquisition, construction, improvement, or expansion of capital facilities, capital <br />projects or equipment which are located within the City, which are owned by the City of <br />Louisville or the Boulder Valley School District RE-2, and which benefit youth within <br />the community". Because the question expands the scope for which the tax revenues can <br />be used, the question is referred to as a new tax rather than a continuation, in accordance <br />with TABOR requirements. The existing use tax will end December 31, 2003. If <br />approved, the continuation of the tax will sunset after ten years. <br /> <br />Davidson asked if anyone in the audience wished to speak for or against Ordinance No. <br />1424, Series 2003. <br /> <br />COUNCIL COMMENTS <br /> <br />Davidson explained the ballot language is misleading because it is not a tax increase, but <br />a continuance of the use tax. He explained it is a use tax on building materials. <br /> <br />Keany noted the tax is for physical structures or equipment that would benefit the youth <br />of the community and stressed the use tax is limited to capital projects, which could <br />include improvements to the Recreation Center and the Library. He asked Council to <br />consider involving the Youth Advisory Board in the planning process. <br /> <br />Brown stated this is an opportunity for the City to assist Louisville schools and asked <br />Deputy City Manager Boyd to highlight the change in the usage of the tax. <br /> <br />Boyd clarified the original question dealt specifically with improvements to Monarch <br />High School. The language has been expanded to include acquisition, construction or <br />improvement of capital facilities, capital projects or equipment on City or school <br />property. The tax is collected on commercial building purchases and not on residential <br />construction and if the tax is paid and not required, a refund may be requested. She noted <br />there was an error on the original public notice for the public hearing on Ordinance No. <br />1424, Series 2003, which required the notice to be republished twice. <br /> <br />Light asked for clarification that the ordinance should contain language to include: <br />acquisition, construction or improvement of capital facilities, capital projects or <br />equipment. Council confirmed the ballot language should include acquisition, <br />construction or improvement of capital facilities, capital projects or equipment. <br /> <br />4 <br /> <br /> <br />