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11: City,/ <br />Louisville <br />c. i?I.t]1:DO •SI\c.'}: 1878 <br />Open Space Advisory Board Meeting Minutes <br />Wednesday, Septemberl3th, 2017 <br />Louisville Public Library: First Floor Meeting Room <br />951 Spruce Street <br />7:00 pm <br />I. Call to Order- Helen called the meeting to order at 7:04 pm. <br />II. Roll Call - <br />Board Members Present: Helen Moshak, Laura Scott Denton, Missy Davis, Mike <br />Schantz, Graeme Patterson, Jim Gibb, Fiona Garvin <br />Board Members Absent: Linda Smith, <br />City Council Members Present: Jeff Lipton <br />Staff Members Present: Ember Brignull, Joe Stevens <br />III. Approval of Agenda - <br />Laura moved to approve the agenda as written. Fiona seconded. The motion was <br />passed unanimously. <br />IV. Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes - <br />Jim moved to approve the minutes as written. Fiona seconded. The motion was <br />passed unanimously. <br />V. Staff Updates - <br />A. Ember shared some images of day-to-day staff maintenance projects, such as <br />weed hand -pulling at the Davidson Mesa parking lot, mullein removal on Davidson <br />Mesa, and staff and volunteer removal of Kochia and Ragweed on trails at Aquarius <br />trailhead. <br />B. There is a lot of algae at the Warembourg Fishing Pond. One of the aerators is <br />broken and oxygen levels are too low to use algaecide successfully, so staff has resorted <br />to doing manual removal this summer. Ember shared a photo of what that entails. Laura <br />asked about the status of the aerator and was told that a replacement part has been <br />ordered. <br />C. Fifteen people participated in the Pull for Colorado event at Davidson Mesa. <br />D. Ember shared some educational natural resource signs that staff have been <br />using for events like mowing and weed control. <br />E. Ember shared signs for the "Poop Fairy" campaign that staff will use for a dog <br />waste education program. <br />F. The City is working with the North End development to finish up landscaping <br />work at Hecla Lake. There are some trail -edge issues the staff wants the developers to <br />address. The upper slopes have been seeded and are coming in well, but in lower areas <br />the seeds haven't established well. The developer will do one more round of seeding and <br />then the City will take over maintenance. <br />City of Louisville <br />Parks & Recreation Department 749 Main Street Louisville CO 80027 <br />303.335.4735 (phone) 303.335.4738 (fax) <br />