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City Council <br />Study Session Summary <br />July 25, 2017 <br />Page 3 of 3 <br />Council member Stolzmann appreciated they took public feedback and tried to <br />incorporate them. She agrees with Council member Loo about birds nesting. She <br />asked why can't the design can't include a zero entry on a new building. Roybal <br />said the Jacoe building has 21 inches of height (3 steps) which necessitates a <br />ramping system. He continued that the Jacoe store and new building do not have <br />to have the same level on the first floor, but if they did not they would not be <br />connected. ADA was strong desire. Roybal said it would be hard to have one <br />staff member monitor Jacoe and the new building The new building can be a <br />different level but continuity would be lost. The desire was to have the buildings <br />contiguous. Council member Stolzmann has gotten a lot of comments about lack <br />of door on Main St. She would like serious consideration to door on Main St. . <br />Roof pitch was discussed. Other feedback: if different building style, perhaps not <br />have it lined up with other buildings; perhaps set it back. Council member <br />Stolzmann also asked that the sign be painted on the building instead of a <br />marquee sign. <br />Council member Lipton believes it is an efficiently designed building. If it were <br />private, he does not know that Council would be accepting of it. He shares <br />Council member Stolzmann concern about the sign. <br />Library Director Barrett agrees there will be limited staffing and has security <br />concerns. The design has good line of sight to the Jacoe from the new building. <br />Tammy Lastoka is on the Library Foundation. She agrees with storage issue and <br />advocates for more storage. She likes scheme 4. Wants to keep the old school <br />look but it is more important to her to have a place where things can be <br />showcased. <br />Deb Fahey agrees about storage and entry should be on Main St. She believes <br />the sign should clarify if it is mainly a museum or visitor center. <br />Adjourn to Special Meeting 7:57 pm <br />Submitted by— Dawn Burgess <br />July 26, 2017 <br />