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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2017 12 13
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Open Space Advisory Board Agenda and Packet 2017 12 13
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OSABPKT 2017 12 13
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Open Space Advisory Board <br />Minutes <br />November 8 th, 2017 <br />Page 2 of 5 <br />on Dec. 19th. Helen requested Ember present the study's results to OSAB at its <br />December meeting, too. <br />E. Ember reported on the Prescribed Burn at the Aquarius Trailhead. There <br />were two burn blocks and they were performed over two days. The first day burned 4.4 <br />acres, which took about one hour, and the second burn was about 9 acres, which took <br />two hours. Ember shared pictures and video from the burn. She pointed out how <br />patches of cheat grass and high density annual weeds inhibited the extent of <br />consumption, but otherwise the consumption rates were quite high, with vegetation <br />burned down to the soil surface. She has been back to the site and can report that <br />smooth brome is coming back and is already about 2 inches high. <br />Laura asked how the citizen comments have been. Ember said many people <br />stopped to watch the burns and people were excited about what they saw. Many people <br />thanked them for the active management on the land. She didn't receive any negative <br />comments. Ember reminded the board that staff had done lots of outreach to neighbors <br />before the burn. <br />Jim asked if it was Ember's first experience using control burn. She answered <br />that it was the first time she had done it in Louisville and at an administrative level but <br />had some experience participating in planning and operation (ignition and holding crews) <br />on forested burn units in Jefferson County. He complimented her on all the work she <br />had done to make this happen. Ember, in turn, complimented the Rocky Mt. Fire <br />Protection District firefighters who performed the burn: they were thorough, precise, and <br />focused on Open Space staff's goals. Staff are still hoping to use prescribed burns at <br />Davidson Mesa next year, in the spring or fall. Mike, who visited the burn, commented <br />that he was also highly impressed by the burn crew and the entire experience. Ember <br />directed the board to a video on the City Facebook page with more footage of the <br />prescribed burn. <br />VI. Board Updates - <br />A. Jim shared that two weeks ago he attended the Open Space Walk with the <br />Mayor event at Warembourg Open Space. He said it was excellent, but that there were <br />only 2 citizens. This land is co -owned by the City of Louisville and Boulder County and <br />there were staff from both municipalities. He complimented all the staff and said there <br />were some interesting discussions about managing that land. One point of staff concern <br />is that prairie dogs escape from the Louisville prairie dog preserve on the ridge and other <br />colonies on the property. The prairie dogs are doing damage across the property. He <br />was struck by how the staff said they can't keep up with the prairie dog's impact on the <br />property. There is a plan to restore a broken windmill on the property. Laura asked Jim <br />whether he visited the adjacent Xcel property. He hadn't, but reported that the area to <br />the west of the Xcel property is denuded by prairie dogs, too. Ember discussed the <br />complications of managing both for wildlife (prairie dogs) and agriculture. <br />B. Jim and Helen are going to meet in preparation for the Davidson Mesa DOLA <br />December discussion item. <br />VII. Public Comments on Items Not on the Agenda - <br />A. none <br />VIII. Sharing of Statement of Commemoration & Appreciation for Linda Smith <br />and OSAB Reflections <br />Laura read out loud the board's statement of commemoration and appreciation <br />for Linda. <br />3 <br />
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