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City Council <br />Special Meeting Minutes <br />October 13, 2008 <br />Page 5 of 7 <br />Sausage Company, Aggregate Industries Batch Plant and miscellaneous small <br />businesses. The property attributes are as follows: It is adjacent to potential <br />commuter rail stop scheduled for substantial improvements to the area including <br />pedestrian connections to downtown; traffics counts are high; the current zoning <br />allows mixed use to include: retail, office, residential and it is in an urban <br />renewal area. <br />The property challenges are as follows: the uncertainty of commuter rail; if <br />commuter rail does come, the rail will require up to 500+ parking spaces; mid- <br />block location along the Hwy 42 corridor is difficult for retail; open space/parks on <br />other side of Hwy 42 limits to single sided retail only; limited access until <br />signalized at Short Street; multiple property ownerships with different objectives; <br />current zoning limits density around rail station and the noise from freight rail. <br />The development issues include an excellent site for mixed use development for <br />neighborhood retail, office and residential; do not have a station area <br />development plan as counterpoint to RTD surface parking plan; uncertainty of <br />commuter rail, will require a two pronged approach; new development could <br />compromise future land development opportunity; retail potential is likely to be <br />limited to neighborhood retail on the site; current retail market is slow; what other <br />civic uses could anchor redevelopment and help re-brand this area; and <br />development in the area is likely going to need apublic/private partnership with <br />the City, RTD, Developers and possibly land owners. <br />Council and Commission discussion and questions centered on the uncertainty <br />of FasTracks; public and private partnership to develop the area, an overall <br />parking plan; the design guidelines; interested developers; assimilation of <br />properties; planning with RTD in mind; and the downtown underpass. <br />PINE STREET PLAZA <br />The Pine Street Plaza is located on the southwest corner of Hwy 42 and Pine <br />Street and is 2.77 acres or 120,687 SF. The owners are Amterre, American <br />Legion Post 111, City of Louisville and Umberto's and the zoning is CC <br />(Community Commercial). The anchor tenants are Mile High Appliance, <br />American Legion Hall, auto dealer and small miscellaneous businesses. <br />The property attributes include the following: It is at the main intersection <br />(gateway) to downtown Louisville from Hwy 42, the traffic counts are high, and it <br />is in the urban renewal area. The property challenges are as follows: The site is <br />small; multiple ownerships with different interests; long-term lease with current <br />tenants; access issues in and out of the site; traffic backups currently occur from <br />Hwy 42 to Pine Street and could get worse with greater rail use; located in an <br />existing flood plan and the proximity to rail could create noise and vibration. <br />