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City Council <br />Special Meeting Minutes <br />October 13, 2008 <br />Page 6 of 7 <br />The development issues are as follows: Site does not feel connected with <br />downtown; excellent site for retail; small, but could be utilized for mixed use <br />development, with ground floor retail and a mix of office and retail on the upper <br />level; would require property assembly; would require financial participation with <br />the current owner/developer to make a redevelopment happen; would require <br />relocation of existing tenants that may be difficult or find a similar space for the <br />current price; improvement to the intersection at Hwy 42 and Pine will greatly <br />affect this site and the current retail market is slow. <br />Council and Commission discussion and questions centered on the site's <br />attributes; the possibility of the City helping relocate a tenant; the parcel size; <br />access in and out of the center; the Gateway into the City and public/private <br />partnerships. <br />SUMMARY OF SITE FINDING <br />Council and Commission discussed potential property inclusions in the review <br />process, including the parcel between the American Legion building and <br />Sunnyside housing units and the commercial site on Walnut. Discussion also <br />included the incorporation of small scale neighborhood centers, restaurants and <br />shops within the redevelopment area; the potential for development within the <br />FasTrack area and areas that can be independently developed without <br />FasTracks involvement. <br />MIXED USE DEVELOPMENT CASE STUDY <br />Ms. Utter reviewed a series of scenarios for a mixed use development case <br />study. The project involved a 43,000 SF, three-story structure, which included <br />office, a hotel, retail and parking. The development analysis for maximum uses, <br />presented a scenario, which outlined the project, the development costs, land <br />cost, development of retail, office and hotel and below and above grade parking. <br />The scenario also included hard and soft development costs, the projected <br />revenue and the value of the property. It was noted the development must be <br />able to attract tenants in order to be profitable. <br />Discussion: A City of Boulder urban renewal project, which developed retail, <br />parking, and a hotel, and the amount of retail rents collected for those properties. <br />NEXT STEPS AND CLOSING REMARKS <br />The Council was asked to direct the consultants on their vision for the urban <br />renewal project. The next steps for the consultants will be to speculate on the <br />renewal development and outline strategies on how the City should proceed. <br />