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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 20, 2018 <br />Page 4 of 16 <br />Councilmember Maloney asked how the fair market value of the sign was determined, if <br />anything other than the cost of the new sign was reviewed Ritchie said no other costs <br />were reviewed Councilmember Maloney asked where this sign might fit in a City facility. <br />Ritchie stated at this time it is unknown where the sign might be located or where it <br />might fit. <br />Public Comments — None. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated the new sign is not iconic or designated and she <br />asked why it did not have to comply with the sign manual dimensions. Ritchie stated the <br />intent of a PUD amendment is to allow waivers and the purpose of this application is <br />that it was not going to meet the criteria. Councilmember Stolzmann asked if finding <br />those criteria not applicable was done out of convenience. Director Zuccaro, noted there <br />is a conflict in the code, there is a section of the ordinance and downtown sign program <br />stating there should be a process to allow for signs not meeting all the cntena but it then <br />goes on to reference a requirement that it must meet the criteria. There was no way to <br />reconcile that so it was found not applicable <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated she is struggling with that section as it says it needs <br />to meet the criteria and this sign does not and it is not iconic, it is just a new sign. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated it will likely cost $100,000 to buy, restore, and install the <br />sign. He asked if that was taken into consideration. Director Zuccaro stated the cost to <br />fabricate and install the new sign is $32,000 so we can assume installation will be only a <br />part of that cost. Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated he doesn't support this He supports the <br />new sign but not using public funds to buy the old sign when we don't know where it will <br />be finally installed and what it will cost. <br />Councilmember Loo stated she views this sign as something like public art It is a <br />gorgeous sign. It will probably cost more in the end, but this is art we need to preserve. <br />She supports all three resolutions. <br />Mayor Muckle agreed with Councilmember Loo This is the most iconic thing in <br />Louisville Everyone over the age of 30 knows of the Blue Parrot It is worth saving; this <br />is the purpose of the historic preservation program <br />Mayor Muckle moved to approve Resolution No. 9, Series 2018. Councilmember Loo <br />seconded <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated she agrees the sign meets the landmark criteria for <br />social significance <br />Voice vote passed 6 -1; Mayor Pro Tem Lipton voting no. <br />