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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 20, 2018 <br />Page 6 of 16 <br />Councilmember Maloney asked Councilmember Stolzmann which criteria she was <br />concerned about. Councilmember Stolzmann stated this is not a landmark sign or <br />iconic, rather a new sign so it does not meet the downtown sign manual criteria. <br />Director Zuccaro stated the downtown sign manual has certain criteria, including the <br />ability to apply for a PUD for a waiver but it then references the same critena. It is a <br />circular process but it seems there was intent for waiver criteria but it was not <br />completed. <br />Councilmember Leh stated he appreciates Councilmember Stolzmann close reading of <br />the rules, but noted as the sign code is written it is circular and should be interpreted as <br />staff has done. <br />Attorney Light noted the Downtown Sign Manual sets up the possibility of a waiver but <br />then doesn't give an option for the waiver in the PUD process; there is an inherent <br />conflict in the code Council has the option to interpret the rules <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated she feels it is arbitrary to not apply the criteria She <br />does not feel the PUD meets the cntena <br />Mayor Muckle stated it appears clear the intent was to allow waivers <br />Attorney Light stated Council may adopt the resolution upon a finding that with respect <br />to the conflicting language in the downtown sign manual it was the intent to allow for <br />requests for increases in height, area, and number of signs and therefore it is not <br />absolutely required a sign meet those specific standards with respect to this application. <br />Roll call vote: Motion passed 5 — 2; no votes from Mayor Pro Tem Lipton and <br />Councilmember Stolzmann. <br />RESOLUTION NO. 12, SERIES 2018 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SPECIAL <br />REVIEW USE TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A ROOF MOUNTED CMRS <br />FACILITY FOR PROPERTY AT 363 CENTENNIAL PARKWAY <br />Planner Ritchie stated this is a request for a Special Review Use (SRU) to allow the <br />construction of a rooftop wireless Commercial Mobile Radio Service (CMRS) facility at <br />363 Centennial Parkway. The request is for a new roof mounted wireless facility with a <br />12 -panel antenna and associated equipment This requires a Special Review Use as it <br />exceeds the maximum height allowed in the PCZD — C Zone District — 42 feet to top of <br />roof -top mechanical screening They are proposing a 52'-8" antenna that exceeds the 6 - <br />foot limit for panel antennas above the parapet. They are not exceeding the height of <br />the roof top screening. <br />Staff finds the application complies with the requirements, excepting overall height and <br />the height of the panel antenna above the parapet Staff also finds compliance with Sec <br />