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Historic Preservation Commission Agenda and Packet 2018 04 16
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Historic Preservation Commission Agenda and Packet 2018 04 16
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4/27/2018 11:02:44 AM
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HPCPKT 2018 04 16
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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />March 19, 2018 <br />Page 2 of 10 <br />Trice stated that in order to be considered for landmarking, the property should meet one or <br />more criteria for physical integrity. This property adds character and value to Old Town <br />Louisville and is in its original location. Its design is somewhat compromised by the replacement <br />siding and window alterations and the shed does not have integrity of location. There is also a <br />rear addition on the house, but the addition has minimal impact on the view from Grant Avenue. <br />Staff recommends that the property be named for the Harney family and approves of the <br />request from the owner to not include the shed in the landmark resolution. Staff recommends <br />approval of the resolution. <br />Haley asked for questions of the staff. Seeing none, she invited the applicant to speak. <br />Nicole Schwalm, 620 Grant Avenue, thanked the City for having a landmarking program. <br />Haley asked for public comment. Seeing none, she closed the public comment period and <br />opened discussion. <br />Chuck Thomas stated that he agreed with staff's recommendation to approve the resolution. <br />Dickinson agreed, adding that it was a close -to -perfect example of what was there in 1905 and <br />he had no objections. <br />Fahey stated that the structure had maintained its physical integrity and the social significance <br />was present in the connection to the Harney family. <br />Chuck Thomas moved to approve Resolution 3, Series 2018 to grant landmark status to 620 <br />Grant Avenue due to its social and architectural significance. Fahey seconded. Roll call. Motion <br />approved unanimously. <br />Haley stated that the decision was an easy one and that Lauren Trice would be in touch with the <br />applicant for the next steps. <br />Trice reminded the applicant that the City landmarking ceremony was scheduled for May 19`" <br />She added that the plaque would be ready by then. <br />801 Grant Avenue Grant: Resolution 4, Series 2018, A request for a Historic Preservation <br />Grant of $9,323 to complete the work outlined in the 2016 Historic Structure Assessment <br />for the Center for the Arts building located at 801 Grant Avenue. The grant would serve <br />as a 25% match for a potential State Historic Fund grant to improve drainage, restore <br />brickwork, repair roof shingles, and restore windows. <br />• Applicant/Owner: City of Louisville — Cultural Arts Division <br />801 grant Avenue <br />Louisville, CO <br />• Case Manager: Lauren Trice <br />Trice presented the request for funds for a 25% match to a State Historic Fund application. The <br />overall grant was to complete the remaining recommendations in the Historic Structure <br />Assessment completed by Logan Simpson in 2016. The recommendations include funds to <br />improve the site grading, restore the masonry and windows, and work on the roof. Trice stated <br />that the applicant needed to be considered under "extraordinary circumstances," since the <br />amount requested was above the maximum grant amount. Those circumstances include fixing <br />the flooding basement and deteriorating brickwork, completing restoration, ensuring seamless <br />brickwork with north wall, protecting the current investment, protecting a space that is highly <br />used, and providing comfortable and safe public access. Finally, the proposal also leverages a <br />3 <br />
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