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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 10, 2018 <br />Page4of7 <br />deliverables to be presented and follow the guiding principles outlined in the MOU. After <br />Council has made edits to Attachment 1, it will be forwarded to Xcel for review. Once it <br />is finalized, staff will bring back the MOU and Attachment 1 to Council for approval. <br />Councilmember Loo and Councilmember Stolzmann worked on this document and <br />stated they were trying to follow the Sustainability Action Plan and City Council goals in <br />this document while reducing emissions. They want City Council feedback before it <br />goes to Xcel for final review. Councilmember Stolzmann said they tried to make it <br />Louisville specific as much as possible. It is a list of ideas to work with, not a definitive <br />road map. <br />Regarding the MOU Mayor Pro Tem Lipton requested the City Attorney make sure this <br />is not an exclusive agreement with Xcel in case there are options with other providers. <br />That should be explicit in the agreement. <br />Public Comments - None <br />Councilmember Maloney stated he feels this covers the thoughts and interests of the <br />full City Council. He likes that it is Louisville specific and supports it as written. Mayor <br />Muckle agreed it looks ready to go as is. Members agreed. <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION — RESIDENTIAL ESTATE LOT COVERAGE <br />Planner Ritchie stated in the 2018 City Council Work Plan, City Council directed the <br />Planning Department to explore amendments to the Louisville Municipal Code (LMC) <br />Residential Estate (RE) Zone District standards related to lot coverage, or rezone <br />certain RE zone district properties to a more appropriate zone district when considering <br />lot coverage. <br />She showed a map of the properties that have RE zoning. The LMC establishes yard <br />and bulk standards and the RE standards have been in place since 1976. In 1994 the <br />LMC was amended to allow other types of different types of residential zone districts <br />and prohibited re -zoning to RE. Generally as lot sizes are smaller the allowed lot <br />coverages are larger. <br />Background: <br />• 1,785 residential properties zoned RE <br />• 27 major subdivisions, plus a handful of replats <br />• Platted between 1959 and 1995 <br />• Four neighborhoods do not have PUDS <br />o Scenic Heights <br />o Louisville North <br />o Continental View Estates <br />O Ridgeview <br />