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L <br />City,/ <br />Louisill <br />COLORADO - SINCE 1878 <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />AGENDA ITEM 2 <br />SUBJECT: <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION — BOULDER COUNTY GREENHOUSE <br />GAS INVENTORY <br />DATE: JULY 10, 2018 <br />PRESENTED BY: KATIE BAUM, SUSTAINABILITY COORDINATOR <br />EMILY HOGAN, ASSISTANT TO THE CITY MANAGER <br />SUMMARY: <br />In 2017, Boulder County hired a consultant to complete the 2016 greenhouse gas <br />(GHG) inventory countywide, revisit the County's sustainability goals and develop <br />strategies for GHG emission reductions. This represents the third update of this report - <br />the County initially conducted the inventory of GHG emissions in 2005 and updated it in <br />2011. The purpose of the inventory is to address climate change, starting at the local <br />level, and to understand GHG emissions as a community. <br />A greenhouse gas inventory provides a full accounting of the sources of carbon <br />pollution within a geographic area. The GHG inventory helps to identify sources of <br />emissions and track progress over time. Local governments have an important role in <br />tracking emissions over time, aggregating comparable data and taking local action. <br />Boulder County contracted with Lotus Engineering and Sustainability, LLC to complete <br />the 2016 inventory and Lotus provided a final report as a deliverable to the County. <br />At its June meeting, Lea Yancey, Boulder County Community Sustainability Specialist, <br />provided an update to the Louisville Sustainability Advisory Board (LSAB) that the <br />findings of the GHG inventory and GHG reduction strategies were now available. LSAB <br />requested that the County come back to provide an overview to Council once the <br />complete findings of the inventory were made available. <br />Boulder County will provide an overview of the GHG Inventory for City Council. The <br />report provides information that informs the City's work in implementing the <br />Sustainability Action Plan, specifically relating to the performance measure for the <br />sustainability sub -program "Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions per capita from home <br />energy consumption." <br />The City of Louisville has also identified some greenhouse gas reduction strategies, <br />outlined in the Sustainability Work Plan as the Top Recommended Actions for 2018- <br />2019: <br />• Evaluate the adoption of updated building codes to the further advancement of <br />energy efficiency in new buildings. <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />2 <br />