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Board of Adjustment <br />Meeting Minutes <br />April 18, 2018 <br />Page 5 of 8 <br />house on the lot sets much further back on the lot than the other houses. It also has the <br />narrowest depth than any other house on the plat. <br />Criteria three is met because it conforms to title 17 in the Louisville Municipal Code. The <br />hardship described in criteria four is met because the hardship was not created by the <br />homeowner but by the plat. Criteria five is also met because the proposed design is <br />more consistent with the essential character of the neighborhood than the alternate <br />design which will be built if the variance does not pass. The alternate design will have <br />the same build with the exact same structure in size and height. It will be detached from <br />the height with only a ten foot setback. Lastly, criteria six is met because title 17 would <br />allow the design to be built five feet closer to the setback if it is built detached instead of <br />attached. <br />Carlson also mentions that nine of the ten neighbors are in support of the variance. The <br />one neighbor not in support is not supporting because of the architectural design, not <br />the setback issue. <br />Board Questions of Applicant: <br />Stuart asks if there is a flat gutter above the deck. He thinks it looks peaked and asks if <br />it is. <br />Carlson says it is peaked. <br />Levinson asks that for the patio foundation, is the foundation for the four posts poured? <br />Carlson says that it is not and that they will sink helical piers for the posts. <br />Levinson asks staff if the rear setback for the properties to the south is only ten feet. <br />Ritchie replies with saying that it is a ten foot setback. <br />Public Comment in Favor: <br />None heard. <br />The board enters three emails into the record in support of the applicant. <br />Public Comment Against: <br />None heard. <br />Summary and request by Staff and Applicant: <br />Patrick Haines, 916 W Plum Cir <br />Haines reiterates the applicant's representative's opening presentation discussion <br />points. He touches on the uniqueness of the lot, the different setback requirements for <br />their property versus the properties on the south side of them. He also reminds the <br />board that their proposed design is less of a visual encroachment for the neighbors if it <br />is attached to the house than detached. <br />Closed Public Hearing and discussion by Board: <br />Stuart states that he is concerned about the setback rule itself. If this was a side <br />setback instead of a back setback, there would be no need for a variance. Also, if this <br />was the south properties setback standard, there would also be no need for a variance. <br />