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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 17, 2018 <br />Page 6 of 13 <br />Dan Mellish, 590 West Laurel Court, thanked Council for questions 8 & 9 and asked for <br />some clarification in the question noting the reference to a new building should be called <br />an addition as it will be connected. In question 8, he would like the financial numbers <br />checked to be sure it includes renovation numbers not just new construction. <br />Members took a 10 minute break. <br />Dave Hooley, 117 S. Madison Avenue, felt one might see the ADA and restrooms as <br />the highlight of the museum upgrade based on the current language. Perhaps note <br />there is more in the plan. <br />Councilmember Leh stated this survey is a work in progress. Those working on the <br />survey are hoping to get direction and help on what Council would like to see included <br />and the style of questions. He wants the survey to give Council actionable information <br />that will be helpful for decision making. <br />Mayor Muckle stated that initially there was interest in getting the results to use in this <br />year's budgeting process. Councilmember Loo stated the budget is well underway so it <br />may not be time sensitive. <br />City Manager Balser stated the information can be used for the 2020 budgeting process <br />instead of 2019 if the preference is to take more time. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated he doesn't think these questions affect the budget and the <br />budget can be changed later if needed based on shifting priorities. He would like to <br />discuss the general themes and remand it back to the committee to write another draft. <br />Councilmember Maloney stated the idea was this was to be about policy but these <br />questions are more operational and dilute the policy discussion. He felt the ranking <br />questions have great value for policy direction. There needs to be more context on <br />costs and how we fund things so residents can make a judgement. A question is <br />needed on parking as that is a major policy decision needing to be made soon. He <br />suggested doing a survey in 2020 for the operational issues. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann:. <br />• stated she would like to remove any operational questions that are not <br />specifically needed for Key Performance Indicators (KPI) data. <br />• She suggested more clarity on rankings. <br />• She agreed with Councilmember Maloney about the need to identify which items <br />require funding decisions; perhaps asking "would you be willing to pay" <br />questions. <br />• Question #6 on dog parks is too esoteric; it needs to be more direct. <br />• On the sustainability questions it needs to be clear which things require an <br />additional funding stream and add more context. <br />