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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 17, 2018 <br />Page 7 of 13 <br />• There needs to be context on the housing questions (11-13) but not sure what <br />information is being sought by those questions. <br />• Felt questions 17 and 18 had been answered before. <br />Need to ask a question about downtown parking and what it would cost. <br />• Should ask if people are willing to pay for an additional underpass to accelerate <br />the installation of those. <br />• Ask if people want more art venue space. <br />• Would like a question about attitudes towards lifting the pit bull ban <br />• Ask if people support regulating the location of marijuana sales in the same way <br />as we do liquor sales. <br />Councilmember Loo: <br />• Liked the forced ranking questions like 2016, should continue that here. <br />• Is concerned it is bordering on a "push poll" in that how the questions are asked <br />may dictate answers. She was particularly concerned about this on the museum <br />questions. <br />• We should ask something about taxes and fees. We need to communicate that <br />all of these things cost money. <br />• Need to explain there are tradeoffs if we do something like ban herbicide use. <br />• Perhaps we need a question on broadband to clarify the options. <br />• Don't see any library questions, do we need some. <br />• She would like a question about whether trail signage is needed. <br />• Need better questions on affordable housing. <br />• She noted there is a large section on short-term residential properties and she <br />feels that space could be used for other more useful questions. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton: <br />• #1 seems to be re -do of earlier surveys; we don't need to measure again; it <br />doesn't provide actionable information or give us information we want. <br />• Agrees with Councilmember Stolzmann some of the scoring is not useful, will <br />only learn a person is unhappy. <br />• Not sure why we are asking questions for the Fire Protection District. (Mayor <br />Muckle noted the LFPD asked the City to include these questions.) <br />• Enforcement of traffic regulations rating system is not useful. <br />• We should stay away from recreation center questions until the new center is <br />open and programing changes are in place. <br />• #4 on traffic and infrastructure needs to have costs or financing information <br />attached; it needs context and an understanding that there are tradeoffs. <br />• There is a need for information on dog park issues #6, but we should add an <br />option for "I Don't Know." <br />• #7 the museum question is bordering on a push poll as presented. <br />