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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 17, 2018 <br />Page 9 of 13 <br />Councilmember Loo asked why we aren't doing a forced ranking on the questions. It <br />forces people to tell us what they really want for the money available. We could get <br />valuable information about what people are really willing to spend their money on or if <br />they want to pay more for what they want if we used forced rankings. <br />Mayor Muckle noted some of the questions are related to Key Performance Indicators <br />and we need to keep those to get that data but we can thin out some of the other <br />questions. He stated he doesn't object to using forced ranking questions unless they are <br />ranking unrelated topics and then it requires a lot of context to make understandable. <br />The committee and staff will work on another draft that includes context and try not to <br />make the questions too unwieldy. Councilmember Leh asked members to send <br />suggested language for the questions. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated she likes the ranking questions to determine the <br />tradeoffs and to see if people are willing to increase funding for items not included in the <br />budget. <br />r <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION/ACTION — CITY OPTIONS FOR XCEL ENERGY'S <br />RENEWABLE CONNECT PROGRAM PHASE II <br />Assistant to the City Manager Hogan stated Xcel Energy recently launched its <br />Renewable Connect program which offers customers the option to increase their share <br />of clean, solar power by subscribing to a new solar farm Xcel is building. The cost is in <br />addition to regular electric charges. The cost varies according to contract length. <br />Currently, the City's electricity usage for facilities is approximately 33% renewable, <br />specifically solar. That solar production comes from four sources: two solar gardens <br />located in Boulder County, City -owned solar panels at the Water and Wastewater <br />Treatment Plants, and solar capacity purchased from an array in Weld County. <br />The amount of energy available for Phase II of Renewable Connect depends on the <br />capacity Xcel has to offer after Phase I is complete. Staff has provided an analysis of <br />the City's remaining facilities to determine what the cost would be to enroll in Phase II <br />and increase the City's share of renewable energy to approximately 100%. There are <br />additional options to increase the City's share of renewable energy staff can also look <br />into beyond Renewable Connect, including Xcel's Windsource program. <br />Public Comments <br />Deb Fahey, 1118 West Enclave Circle, stated any arrangement with Xcel is an <br />improvement but owning and operating the solar panels separately would be more <br />secure in an emergency situation. If the City could buy, install, and maintain its own <br />panels it would be less expensive in the long run. <br />