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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />July 17, 2018 <br />Page 8 of 13 <br />• #8 there are a number of things the City could finance from additional <br />fees/taxes, we need the public to know this is one of a number of priorities the <br />City may want to pay for including transportation and infrastructure for examples <br />• #9 regarding herbicides— the community needs to understand this comes at a <br />cost, we will have more weeds if there is a total ban. <br />Members agreed the weed questions need to explain the outcomes and be clear; need <br />to word it in a way to get a useful answer. <br />Mayor Pro Tern Lipton continued <br />• #10 on sustainability needed to clarify how we would do things, what it will cost <br />and what the return on investment is. He stated we will get emotional responses <br />not informed responses as written. We need more on the general concepts of <br />sustainability; not so specific/technical. <br />• #11 Affordable Housing should be removed entirely; people don't have a basis <br />to answer this. <br />• #13 Affordable Housing we need to explain what the role the City would play and <br />include examples. <br />• #14 Accessory Dwelling Units, if we have to explain what it is this is probably the <br />wrong place to ask this; there are other ways to get information on this. <br />• #15 Short Term Rentals should be re -worded "would you consider short term <br />rentals in your neighborhood" so it is more personal. <br />• #16 Short Term Rentals is too technical to understand. <br />• #17 Business Assistance maybe should be removed or if kept, reword so people <br />understand the source of funds for these are fees they pay; it's not free. <br />• #18 Sam's Club, may want to add apartments to the list of the types of housing. <br />• #19 Special Events, not sure people know what is city -sponsored or what isn't. <br />• D4 & D8 _- Don't like asking people about income. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann #10 Sustainability — she would like it to be specific but we <br />need to provide context and costs. We need the specific questions about what we could <br />require and how tough the regulations could be. <br />Councilmember Leh stated on the sustainability issues it is important to get the <br />temperature of residents on these things and whether people are comfortable with a <br />requirement. Most people support providing incentives but there is a cost to doing that <br />too and it is borne by everyone. <br />Councilmember Leh stated he was hearing there needs to be more context in the <br />survey to explain the questions. He noted it is hard to do this in the space allowed; <br />every question with context may force out other questions and it may be hard to do as <br />many as we would like. He asked the other members to think about which questions <br />really need context to reserve space. <br />