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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 20, 2018 <br />Page3of3 <br />Upcoming Schedule <br />September <br />24th — Historic Preservation Commission Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Council Chambers <br />October <br />15th — Historic Preservation Commission Meeting, 6:30 p.m., Council Chambers <br />Ritchie stated that the next discussion about the Historic Preservation Fund would likely be in <br />October. She stated that there was a new hire pending currently in the Human Resources <br />process. <br />UPDATES FROM COMMISSION <br />Fahey updated the Commission on the Iowa conference. She attended panels on the cost <br />effectiveness of preservation and encouraging broadening the traditional histories of small <br />towns. For example, Louisville focuses on Italian immigration and mining but could expand <br />beyond that. She focused on the sustainability of preserving structures. In most cases, new <br />structures are not built to the latest sustainability standards and preserving older structures was <br />more sustainable in those cases. Additionally, older — usually prewar homes — were built in <br />generally more sustainable ways than postwar structures. <br />Haley asked if Fahey was interested in being the Sustainability Board liaison. Fahey replied that <br />she had been attending their meetings and that she was going to present on her Iowa <br />conference information there. Haley offered to attend with her. October 17th was the likely date <br />that Fahey would be presenting to the Sustainability Board. <br />Chuck Thomas stated that the Historic Commission and the Foundation met together to talk <br />about the upcoming Labor Day Parade and was trying to develop a public presence for the <br />upcoming fundraising campaign for the museum addition. <br />Cyndi Thomas asked about the Historic Preservation Fund schedule. <br />Ritchie replied that the reauthorization ordinance had to completed by the end of the year, but <br />the reauthorization discussions for grants did not have to be done by the end of the year. <br />DISCUSSION ITEMS FOR NEXT MEETINGS <br />None. <br />Adjourn: <br />Chuck Thomas moved to adjourn and there was a collective second. The meeting was <br />adjourned at 6:58 PM. <br />