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Historic Preservation Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />August 20, 2018 <br />Page2of3 <br />Chuck Thomas asked how much of the property qualified for the assessment. <br />Ritchie stated that she did not know if the Commission usually applied the assessment grants to <br />the whole property or to specific structures. <br />Ulm stated that the assessment should cover the whole property to help the Commission decide <br />what should be preserved. <br />Fahey asked when the Pasquale's business went in. <br />Ritchie stated that staff could look into that question. <br />Fahey summarized the discussion, stating that the windows were the only things that had <br />changed since the 1950s and that she supported finding probable cause. <br />Ulm asked about what the 'expansion of the existing structure' might be that the application <br />referred to. <br />Ritchie replied that previous designers had made inquiries into what was allowed zoning -wise <br />on that property. She stated that the applicant seems to have contemplated an addition in the <br />rear but their work was preliminary. <br />Haley reminded the Commission that future development considerations would not affect their <br />decision to find probable cause <br />The rest of the commissioners concurred. <br />Fahey moved to find probable cause for an assessment at 809 Main. Dickinson seconded. Roll <br />call vote. Motion passed unanimously. <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION/ACTION <br />Questions for Board and Commission Applications <br />Ritchie asked for commissioners' thoughts on the application questions and process. <br />The commissioners agreed that the applications were thorough and appropriate and that they <br />had no suggestions. <br />Reschedule September 17, 2018 HPC meeting <br />Ritchie alerted the Commission that the next meeting was scheduled for the same day as a <br />rescheduled Council meeting that took precedent. There is a pending application scheduled for <br />the next HPC meeting so the date cannot be sooner. The commissioners decided that Monday, <br />September 24th 2018 would be the new date. <br />ITEMS FROM STAFF <br />Demolition & Alteration Certificate Updates <br />The commissioners had no questions of staff about the demolition reviews or alteration <br />certificates. <br />