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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 11, 2018 <br />Page 2 of 13 <br />for this purpose is also authorized by Section 24-6-402(4)(a) of the Colorado Open <br />Meetings Law. <br />Attorney Light stated the City Manager is requesting City Council convene an executive <br />session for the purpose of consideration of potential real property dispositions <br />conceming properties in Louisville. <br />Mayor Muckle moved to go into executive session for the purpose of consideration of <br />potential real property dispositions with regard to property located in Louisville, but only <br />as to appraisals and other value estimates and strategy, and that the executive session <br />include the City Manager, the City Attorney, the Planning Director, and the Economic <br />Development Director; Councilmember Keany seconded the motion. Voice vote passed <br />6-0. <br />Members went into executive session at 6:02 pm. <br />Members returned from executive session at 7:00 pm. <br />REPORT — DISCUSSION/DIRECTION/ACTION — REAL PROPERTY ACQUISITION <br />AND DISPOSITIONS <br />City Attorney Light reported the executive session was for matters regarding <br />consideration of real property disposition for property located in Louisville and in that <br />regard the City Council could discuss value estimates and valuation of property for <br />potential disposition. Council provided direction for potential disposition. No action is <br />requested this evening. If the matter moves forward appropriate documentation about <br />disposition will be presented at a future public meeting for Council consideration. <br />UPDATES FROM SHERIFF PELLE AND REQUEST FOR POSITION ON BOULDER <br />COUNTY BALLOT MEASURE 1A <br />Mayor Muckle welcomed Sheriff Pelle to talk about County ballot measure 1A, the only <br />County item on this year's ballot. The measure would fund updates to the jail and an <br />alternative sentencing facility. The County is asking voters to approve the continuation <br />of a sales tax of .185%. <br />The jail is an aging structure with major issues and needs to be updated. There is a <br />shortage of space and it limits the ability for programs for inmates and everyone is <br />double bunked. This would fund an alternative sentencing program from the jail; this has <br />been shown to be a very cost effective way to keep people in jail and out of trouble. <br />The jail needs dedicated space for mental health programs. This tax would be for five <br />years and would generate $50M for this project and invest $30M into an alternative <br />sentencing facility. <br />