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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />September 11, 2018 <br />Page 3 of 13 <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton asked if $50M would be the total for this project. Sheriff Pelle <br />noted there would be two years for planning and design and then they would use the <br />money collected in those two years to save for the project and not have to bond or <br />borrow against it. <br />Mayor Muckle asked about bond reform. Sheriff Pelle stated the County is fully behind <br />bond reform and doing many of things to reduce the pre-trial population. He noted the <br />Boulder County Jail is holding many people with charges from other jurisdictions. <br />Councilmember Maloney asked if this is a new sales tax. Pelle said the tax would be an <br />extension of the flood relief tax that is expiring and replacing it with the exact same <br />amount for the jail. He stated the County simply can't pay for this from the general fund. <br />This is an opportunity to get funding without affecting current tax rates. <br />Councilmember Leh noted this is not a new problem and it needs to be addressed. He <br />asked about bail reform and if there has been headway in reducing the jail population. <br />Sheriff Pelle said on some days there used be as much as 80% of the jail population <br />awaiting trial, now it is 50%. He stated they are very cautious about incarceration in <br />Boulder County balancing public safety and keeping in jail only those who need to be in <br />jail. <br />Councilmember Loo moved for City Council to direct staff to write a resolution in support <br />of ballot issue 1A; Councilmember Leh seconded. <br />Vote: All in favor. <br />Councilmember Maloney stated he believes health and safety is our greatest <br />responsibility and this should be the responsibility of the general fund. The <br />commissioners should find a way to pay for this without additional ballot issues. <br />DISCUSSION/DIRECTION/ACTION —TRANSPORTATION ISSUES AND BALLOT <br />MEASURES <br />Deputy City Manager Davis stated this covers several issues related to transportation <br />updates and ballot issues. <br />She stated RTD has recommended service changes to occur in January. RTD Looks at <br />their routes across the board and reviews ridership and utilization. RTD is facing <br />financial challenges and having a hard time hiring bus drivers and looking at cuts across <br />the board including in our region. One positive is to extend the 228 route to Kestrel <br />which houses a lot of people who might be transit dependent. <br />RTD is recommending a significant number of cuts. Our area has proposals of about <br />4000 hours of service reductions while other parts of the district are seeing increases, <br />