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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 4, 2018 <br />Page 2 of TO <br />Finance Director Watson reviewed some questions from the meeting earlier this week <br />and some budget terms related to assumptions and targets. Mayor Pro Tem Lipton <br />stated the term target is not specific enough to set limits on the spending. <br />Councilmember Maloney stated he would prefer the term limit or cap. Mayor Pro Tem <br />Lipton would prefer both revenue and expenditures be "assumptions." <br />Councilmember Maloney would like the target for wage growth lowered to 3%. Director <br />Watson stated the percentage increase includes merit raises, market adjustments, and <br />new Full Time Equivalents (FTEs) and variable hours. Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated 5% <br />increases indefinitely is not realistic and doesn't meet our revenue stream. He would <br />like some limit set on what the manager can have available for the next five years. <br />Councilmember Loo asked where the 5% comes from. Director Hix stated the numbers <br />are from the Employers' Council which gives information from across the state with an <br />average wage increase at 3.1% forgovernment in the Denver -Boulder region. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann confirmed the 5% includes new employees and market <br />increases, not just the increase in wages. City Manager Balser noted bringing Boulder <br />into our market pool did raise our costs. Director Hix noted we also compete with <br />Boulder for employees so that is one reason. <br />City Manager Balser noted staff will always make the budget balance and the reserve <br />balance is significant. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton asked how much the out year deficits are. Director Watson noted <br />it ranged from $1-3M for those out years. He noted this is a measure to make sure <br />recurring expenses are not being paid by one-tim.e revenue. It is the structural <br />difference. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton said we are over leveraging on the expenditures and that is <br />caused in part from the 2019-2020 decisions. We need a 5-year balanced budget. <br />MOTION: Councilmember Maloney moved we adopt a principle of having a balanced <br />structural budget for six year planning. Councilmember Loo seconded. <br />Mayor Muckle stated he wouldn't support this motion even though he likes the principle, <br />but the General Fund is never just made up of simply consistent recurring expenses and <br />revenues and that is why we don't want to build a budget based o,n one-time revenues. <br />When a plan is made when you don't know what will happen in out years you are doing <br />a disservice to the residents. By truing it up every two years you have much better <br />information. If this is done, there could be money in the bank that could be being used. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated one-time revenue should support one-time expenses. <br />She supports the motion. We can't, put positions in place that count on one-time <br />revenue. <br />