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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 4, 2018 <br />Page 3 of 10 <br />City Manager Balser noted this is a significant change to the budget and will leave over <br />$10M in fund balance. <br />Councilmember Maloney stated we won't end up with large fund balances as we can <br />true it up every year. <br />Director Watson stated long term financial planning is not intended to project the future <br />but to help manage it. <br />Mayor Muckle stated there has to be a way to plan properly for out years. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann noted the organization shouldn't grow in a way where <br />ongoing expenditures exceed ongoing revenues. If there is a surplus of one-time <br />revenue to use, it shouldn't be used for salaries. Should keep the magnitude of growth <br />in check with the magnitude of the organizational revenue growth. <br />Councilmember Maloney said over the course of 6 years he wants a percentage near <br />zero revenue to expenditures. Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated he wants it balanced every <br />year. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated using 5% for wages sets an expectation, would rather it <br />be more in line with other regional employers. <br />Director Hix noted the low unemployment rate will affect hiring. City Manager Balser <br />noted the 5% is not the average for the merit increases, it is a combination of things. <br />2019 and 2020 are impacted by new positions. Director Watson stated the 2019 market <br />adjustments are already known and 2020 is assumed at 1%. Merit increases average <br />4%. <br />Director Hix stated we do not do COLA increases, we do market adjustments and merits <br />based on performance, and part-time employees get a percentage increase that is the <br />average. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated the out year assumptions seem higher than what <br />everyone else is using and we set an expectation when we set this. <br />Mayor Muckle suggested a friendly amendment to say we have to balance the out years <br />in the General Fund within 2% with an average of zero. Councilmember Maloney <br />accepted the amendment. <br />Councilmember Leh wanted to make sure the salary costs were realistic. Director Hix <br />noted the salary ranges are bound by what the market will bear. <br />