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Leo Deborski (1911-1979) worked as a coal miner until 1955, then worked for <br />Sundstrand Corp. in Denver for twenty years. <br />Louise Pitchford Deborski (1912-1986) was born in Lafayette. The couple married in <br />1929. Louise Deborski was a cook for the Blue Parrot for 35 years. <br />Upon the death of Louise Deborski in 1986, their daughter, Mary Ann Anderson, became <br />the owner of 705 McKinley. Mary Ann was born in 1938 and died in 2011. Donald <br />Anderson, who was born in 1935, also died in 2011. Mary Ann Anderson's estate <br />recently conveyed the property to Lloyd and Kristy Corkan. <br />The following images show the photo of the house from the 1977 County Assessor card <br />and a ground layout sketch of the house at that time, during the ownership by the <br />Deborski family. <br />Sources <br />The preceding research is based on a review of relevant and available online County property records, <br />census records, oral history interviews, and related resources, and Louisville directories, newspaper <br />articles, maps, files, obituary records, survey records, and historical photographs from the collection of <br />the Louisville Historical Museum. <br />