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J.J. Steinbaugh conveyed these lots to his grandson, Herbert Steinbaugh, and Herbert's <br />wife, Rose Dionigi Steinbaugh, in 1947. The lots had been part of the property for J.J. <br />Steinbaugh's house at 701 McKinley. <br />The following images show the photo of the house from the 1950 County Assessor card <br />and a ground layout sketch of the house at that time, during the ownership by the <br />Steinbaugh family. The card indicates that the red markings were added in 1963. <br />Directories from the 1950s show that Herbert and Rose Steinbaugh resided at 705 <br />McKinley through that decade. Herbert was employed as the manager of the Steinbaugh <br />Lumber Co. at the time. He was also the fire chief of the Louisville Fire Department in at <br />least the late 1950s. <br />Deborski Family Ownership, 1960-2012 <br />In 1960, Leo F. and Louisa J. Deborski purchased this house. It has been in the Deborski <br />family since that time, for 52 years. <br />