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with respect to the date of construction of Louisville buildings. It is possible that this <br />house could have been built in 1900, though this was before the subdivision was platted <br />in 1907. The house appears in the correct location on the 1909 Drumm's Wall Map of <br />Louisville. For these reasons, the construction date was likely circa 1900-1909. <br />Sabatini Residence/Ownership <br />The 1918 and 1921 Louisville directories show that the residents of 1201 La Farge were <br />Joe Sabatini and his wife, Ortansia "Nadel" Barbieri. In fact, based on a review of the <br />1910 census records for Louisville, the Sabatini family appears to have been living at <br />1201 La Farge even in 1910. The family is definitely shown in the location of 1201 La <br />Farge at the time of the 1920 census. Joe Sabatini also was the owner of a relatively <br />large parcel of several lots, purchasing them from James DiGiacomo and Lucia <br />DiGiacomo by a deed recorded in 1922. The lots begin with Lot 25 of Block 2 and now <br />make up the property at 1201 La Farge, 1209 La Farge, and 1221 La Farge. It is possible <br />that Sabatini purchased the lots even earlier than 1922 and that the deed was not <br />recorded with the County until that year. <br />Sabatini was born in Italy in 1872. He and his wife, who was born in about 1880, had five <br />children born between about 1903 and 1916: Amedeo, Stefanina, Orlando, Domenic, <br />and Santina. He came to the US in about 1906, with his wife and oldest two children <br />immigrating in 1907. Records indicate that he worked at different times as both a miner <br />and a farmer. "Nadel" Sabatini had died by the time of the 1920 census. <br />Based on County property records that show when deeds were recorded, Sabatini <br />transferred the property starting with Lot 25 to Rosie Goldstein in the same year of <br />1922. <br />Goldstein Family <br />Rosie Goldstein owned the property from Lot 25 on from 1922 to 1928. Rosie Goldstein <br />and her husband, Philip, also lived in the house at 1201 La Farge. They are listed in <br />1920s directories with a La Farge address. <br />According to the 1920 census, Philip and Rosie were from Poland and were Jewish. <br />Philip was born in about 1871 and immigrated in 1889, while Rosie was born in about <br />1880 and immigrated in 1902. Philip was a "glassman," an occupation that refers to <br />someone who sold windows. Confirming this, John Negri (see below) recalled in a recent <br />interview that his parents purchased the house from a window glazier. <br />Negri Family <br />The Aldo and Josephine Negri family next owned the property, from 1928 to 1945. They <br />had moved to Louisville from the Canon City, Colorado area. Aldo Negri primarily <br />2 <br />