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Camera article entitled "Boulder Fire Training Deaths Remembered on 30th Anniversary" and <br />dated January 26, 2012 gave the details of the tragedy, in which a second firefighter was also <br />killed. This and other articles accessible online explain that while it used to be routine for <br />abandoned buildings to be intentionally set on fire and used for training purposes by <br />firefighters, this is no longer the case due to their hidden hazards and potential for <br />unpredictable outcomes. The 1982 training fire that killed William J. Duran is credited with <br />being an impetus for changing fire department policies, even nationwide. <br />The following photo of the house is from the Boulder County Assessor card that appears to be <br />dated 1956. The photo was clearly taken not long after the house was moved and there is even <br />what looks to be a small cement mixer shown in the photo. <br />This ground layout sketch of the house from the County Assessor card is believed to have been <br />made in around 1956, with red pencil markings that say "add for 62" probably added in around <br />1962 that indicated a room that was added to the front of the house. <br />3g <br />3 <br />