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SUBJECT: <br />STRATEGIC PLAN IMPLEMENTATION <br />DATE: <br />DECEMBER 11, 2018 <br />PAGE 2 OF 3 <br />Strategic Plan identifies how each of the Priority Initiatives are aligned with the program <br />areas. <br />The Vision, Mission and Values and Critical Success Factors reflect the manner in <br />which we as an organization commit to doing our work, and the Priority Initiatives <br />highlight some of the key efforts we plan to accomplish. Both elements are incorporated <br />into the City's Strategic Plan. <br />The Strategic Plan Implementation: <br />Staff will present an initial implementation plan for the Strategic Plan. The roll -out and <br />implementation of the strategic plan is critical to its success in becoming a living, <br />meaningful document for the organization. <br />The implementation plan includes several strategies that will support integration of the <br />Strategic Plan into the organization, create an intentional culture built around the plan, <br />align the plan to existing City plans and processes, and ensure the plan is updated and <br />remains relevant over time. In addition, the Strategic Plan implementation outlines how <br />the Priority Initiatives reflect the program goals and sub -program objectives, and how <br />these efforts may impact the City's Key Performance Indicators. <br />The Strategic Plan implementation will be continuously informed by City Council, <br />management team and staff, and adjusted as needed to reflect the effectiveness of <br />different strategies in making it a part of the organization. <br />DISCUSSION: <br />Julia Novak from TNCG will present the City of Louisville Strategic Plan, and discuss <br />the process and input incorporated since City Council's review of the framework. Staff <br />will present the initial Strategic Plan Implementation, and requests Council input on the <br />plan as the City prepares for 2019 implementation. <br />PROGRAM/SUB-PROGRAM IMPACT: <br />The project supports the Administration and Support Services Program goal to ensure <br />inclusive, responsive, transparent, friendly, fiscally responsible, effective and efficient <br />governance, administration and support by creating a plan that will help guide the work <br />of the City. In addition, it supports the Governance & Administration sub -program goal <br />of promoting a healthy organizational culture by creating a mission, vision and values <br />that reflect our culture and are clear to our employees and the public. <br />BUDGET IMPACT: <br />The implementation of the Strategic Plan will require no additional funding. However <br />many of the investments made through the 2019-20 budgeting process will be important <br />in supporting the implementation of the Strategic Plan. <br />CITY COUNCIL COMMUNICATION <br />3 <br />