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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 11, 2018 <br />Page 11 of 17 <br />Howe asked if there would be additional need for water detention. <br />Ritchie stated that Public Works had confirmed that the offsite, shared detention pond <br />for the site was adequate for the proposal. <br />Moline asked if an escrow for the parking could work for parking enforcement. <br />Zuccaro replied that since it was open-ended from a time standpoint they did not want <br />to use that as a tool. <br />Brauneis asked the applicant to present. <br />Amanda Johnson, Oz Architecture, 8657 Skyland Drive in Niwot, stated that CTC was <br />full of a variety of different building types. On the issue of parking, she informed the <br />Commission that the seven-year employment projection was for 170 people, of which <br />25% would be offsite any given day meaning that 127 spaces per day was the projected <br />required number even though they were building for 170. She described the <br />architectural plans, showing the attempt to make a welcoming facade to the street on <br />the western side. They moved their parking away from their access point for that <br />purpose. They also wanted to increase walkability and space for other employee <br />activities. She described the architectural design as a merging of Coloradan and Finnish <br />styles, since the company was from Finland. They were also trying to meet Vaisala <br />sustainability initiatives in choosing their material and in other designs, such as <br />geothermal initiatives, and solar panels. She presented samples of other wood -look <br />metal paneling options. <br />She read a statement from TJ Mattimore, President of Vaisala: <br />Greetings to all and my apologies for not being able to attend this meeting in person. <br />Everyone at Vaisala is very excited about this construction project we are delighted to be <br />staying in Louisville and in the Colorado Tech Center. Our campus on South Taylor <br />Avenue has been our home since 2004 and this investment reinforces Vaisala's <br />commitment to the region. I'm extremely proud of the design of our new building and <br />know it will be a welcomed addition to the city and to the CTC. When we were in the early <br />planning stages of this project, we instructed Oz Architecture to come with a design that <br />reflected Colorado with a Finnish flair. The exposed wood -based aesthetic and extended <br />roof surpassed my lofty expectations. I believe the design compliments the property <br />surrounding our campus as well as the entire CTC. <br />note that the CTC Owners Association and its architectural review committee just let us <br />know this week that they are objecting to our use of metal panels as part of the exterior of <br />the building. As you can see in the rendering of the building and the materials brought <br />here by Oz Architecture, the metal panels we plan to use actually give the appearance of <br />wood and not metal, and the exterior of the building is well within the spirit of the CTC <br />regulations. Given that the CTC OA's recent approval of Pearl iZumi and EVO Rock + <br />Fitness buildings, which both have a metal -dominant aesthetic, I am a bit confused why <br />they are taking issue with our planned utilization of the panels. That said I am confident <br />that we can work with the CTC OA to quickly come up with a mutually agreeable solution <br />to this issue. I hope the Planning Board will approve our project and allow us to work with <br />the CTC OA to come to a solution on the metal -panel issue so we can stay on our time <br />table. Thank you to everyone on our project and we look forward to moving ahead. <br />Very truly yours, TJ Mattimore <br />13 <br />