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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />October 11, 2018 <br />Page 4 of 17 <br />Ritchie offered to get the information for the Commission. <br />Hoefner asked how many niches would be approved under the SRU. <br />Ritchie replied that the initial application would be for the first 42 with the possibility to <br />add 84 additional niches. <br />Moline asked if the church had been in the neighborhood since the beginning of the <br />subdivision. <br />Ritchie replied that the original PUD was labeled under Christ the Servant Church in the <br />original PUD but that uses may have changed over time and that it was a single -lot <br />subdivision when it was created. <br />Howe asked what would be involved in making the distinction between a cemetery and <br />a columbarium. <br />Ritchie stated that the City would have to amend the Code. <br />Zuccaro clarified that staff determined that the columbarium was a cemetery use, not <br />that a columbarium was not addressed in the Code. However, the Commission or the <br />Council could create a more specific category in the Code if they wanted to. <br />Brauneis invited the applicant to present. <br />Stephanie Lord, 917 Arapahoe Circle, introduced herself as the church pastor and <br />stated that the church community attended to all stages of life, including death and grief. <br />The columbarium would serve as a space of hope and celebration to that end. <br />Jeff Lehman, 2460 Clayton Circle in Superior, introduced himself as a member of the <br />columbarium committee. He presented the process the Church has gone through in <br />developing the columbarium design. In early 2017, they started a conversation with the <br />Planning Department. Later that year they sent out 167 mailers to addresses within 500 <br />feet of their property line. The feedback was negative but reasonable so the church <br />changed the design. The current design was a result of the neighborhood review, which <br />resulted in changes including moving it so the columbarium would no longer face homes <br />and adding a screening wall. The Church held a second meeting with a mockup to -scale <br />of the addition. After that meeting, the Church decided to move forward with the <br />application. He noted that 14 out of the 16 emails before the Commission were in <br />opposition to the proposal, but 11 of them were written immediately after the first <br />neighborhood meeting. He assured the Commission that no decomposing human <br />remains would ever be on the property. <br />Brauneis asked for questions of the applicant. <br />Hoefner asked about the existing landscaping comments. <br />Lord replied that they heard the concerns about the landscaping and the congregation <br />changed the maintenance duties from a volunteer committee to a professional service. <br />6 <br />