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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 11, 2018 <br />Page 4 of 5 <br />Novak stated the city is positioned well as the employees already weighed in on the <br />mission, vision, values so employees should feel heard and involved. There will be <br />cynicism, but you begin to build on the intention by including questions on your <br />performance evaluation that reflect the values. That will reinforce the culture. She noted <br />some cities have peer -to -peer recognition of employees who embody these values. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated using Deputy City Manager Davis' expertise at <br />Boulder County helps as the County does this very well. <br />Councilmember Maloney asked directors how this will affect them. City Manager Balser <br />stated the management team and organization has been involved. The plan is built on <br />the culture we have now. the next step is articulating this. It helps directors clearly <br />explain our expectations with a common language and it allows everyone to have the <br />same conversation with employees. <br />Director Hix stated the Library staff nominates each other for awards already now this <br />can be done with a focus on the I CARE values from the plan. These peer -to -peer <br />interactions will use these same words and reinforce that. <br />Chief Hayes stated it allows directors to model the behavior- set expectations, and use <br />for training. It includes reflecting this in major policy changes. <br />Director Winfree stated this directors group came together around the mission, vision, <br />values, and initiatives very easily This works for everyone, there were no factions. It <br />leaves a great foundation for implementation. Parks and Rec is already integrating this <br />into the 2019 work plan and staff understands the role of the department to move the <br />whole city forward. She added using the same language across the organization is <br />really useful. <br />Councilmember Maloney stated the more Council understands this it enriches our ability <br />to set policy He would like to see this have a context we share for all projects. <br />Councilmember Loo stated she was surprised and pleased with the final document. <br />However she stated it seems some of the goals are broad and she worries it is too <br />general. These are the kinds of values everyone should bring to a job without being told. <br />She stated if staff thinks this is what the City needs to succeed she is on board but she <br />thinks a lot of times these don't work. <br />Mayor Muckle stated this is a good plan and he understands this needs to be a living <br />document that can be adapted. This will fail if people don't believe in it, but assuming <br />everyone integrates this into what we do and this is a living updatable document it can <br />be a really useful thing. He stated he doesn't want people to feel it can't be adapted <br />when needed. He would like to see this posted on City documents and in facilities; <br />make if visible. <br />