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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />December 11 2018 <br />Page 3 of 5 <br />Indicators (KPIs) and we will have to see how the priority initiatives impact the KPIs. <br />When we revisit both the priority initiatives and the KPIs we can adjust them as needed. <br />City Manager Balser stated staff is asking Council for their thoughts on the priority <br />initiatives and implementation. <br />Councilmember Maloney stated this looks like a good plan and the implementation will <br />be the tough part. He wondered how it will align with the 2019 work plan and how it will <br />be acculturated with Council, directors, and staff so everyone is working together He <br />asked how do we assure initiatives in this are also in the Council work plan. There will <br />need to be a way for everyone to use the same vernacular across the whole <br />organization so everyone is having the same larger discussion. <br />Councilmember Loo stated everyone will need to commit to the process. <br />Novak stated every city has to find a way to connect this to the work of the governing <br />body Westminster identifies how each Council agenda item is linked to the critical <br />success factors. It becomes a discipline about how all of our actions affect the strategic <br />plan. Staff will want to use this in as much of the daily work as it can to create that <br />common vernacular Everyone will need to relate everything back to the strategic plan. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated it will be interesting to see if we are able to hold our <br />selves accountable to this tool. It seems we still have a lot of work to do to get program <br />budgeting on board even after two years so we will need to integrate the two and keep <br />them aligned. Both tools are important and have the potential to keep us accountable to <br />citizens. <br />City Manager Balser stated there are lots of opportunities to integrate both processes. <br />There will be an external piece with the community to help them understand the <br />priorities and the alignment. <br />Councilmember Leh stated he would like to do this on every level. It needs to be <br />incorporated into the culture at all levels. He asked what could happen to make this fail. <br />Novak stated it can't fail if the organization wants to get it done. She stated projects <br />imposed by the elected officials are hard to accept but this has been done <br />collaboratively by all levels. It can fail if there is passive -aggressive behavior and people <br />are not being held accountable. <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated failure can happen if there is no accountability and <br />people don't follow the plan or take the time to work on this. City Manager Balser added <br />it needs to be kept updated as well <br />Councilmember Keany asked how this will work with rank and file employees; how do <br />you get their buy -in. <br />