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Planning Commission <br />Meeting Minutes <br />January 10, 2019 <br />Page 14 of 16 <br />Brauneis added that the application also grandfathered in the shed. <br />Hoefner addressed criteria 1, 2, and 5. He noted that for criterion 1, the road and the lot <br />line did not match and that was a unique physical circumstance. For criterion 2, straight <br />roads were important for public safety. Finally, for criterion 5, he noted that the language <br />did not say no alternatives, it said no reasonable alternatives, and in this case it was <br />much more reasonable to move a line on a piece of paper than to move the road to the <br />line. <br />Brauneis agreed with Hoefner's assessment. <br />Ritchie responded to Commissioner Hsu's earlier question, stating that there was <br />another shed further to the west of the proposed property line. <br />Moline appreciated the perspective from staff about taking the opportunity to work with <br />an amenable property owner to make a huge improvement to trail infrastructure. <br />Hsu asked what the process would be if the City extended the right-of-way right now. <br />Zuccaro replied that there were a number of scenarios. It would be difficult to extend the <br />road without a request for redevelopment. The City would have to negotiate to purchase <br />the right-of-way. He could not imagine a scenario where they would not be applying to <br />replat, anyway, since the right-of-way process would create a remnant lot. <br />Howe stated that the proposal had benefits as part of the Commission's goals for land <br />use in the city and that the Comprehensive Plan supported it, as well. <br />Brauneis noted that the benefits were significant. Not doing this now, the City ran the <br />risk of the lot getting sold off to someone else who was not amenable to the City's plan. <br />Hsu stated that regarding criterion 1 that he was not convinced that having a road <br />somewhere outside the property met criterion 1. He agreed that there were benefits to <br />the application, but the benefits were not part of his evaluation of the criteria. Making it <br />easier for the property owner to sell property was not a reason to approve the <br />application. He thought moving the lot line somewhere else was a reasonable <br />alternative option. <br />Brauneis stated that if the proposal set off alarm bells or red flags, he would be <br />concerned. He appreciated Commissioner Hsu's attention to procedure. <br />Williams stated that process was important to her. She did not think the criteria were <br />met and she would have preferred to have the property owner present the proposal. <br />She also did not think that the lot line had anything to do with the underpass. She felt <br />that criterion 1 was absolutely not met, which negated the other criteria. <br />Moline noted a property created in 1990 well before the street was laid out and the lots <br />were laid out around it. He wondered if there was some reasonableness that the City <br />should accommodate the property owner's request to update the lot lines to be more in <br />step with what is around it. <br />16 <br />