MESSAGE FROM THE MAYOR CONTINUED health and a desirable place for the community to gather.En-
<br /> suring a vibrant retail corridor is vital to the long-term fiscal
<br /> building has not attracted a new retailer in spite of changes health of the City.The study looked at potential for several
<br /> in ownership,multiple brokers and extensive efforts on the different land use scenarios and measured options based on
<br /> part of the City to work out a deal for a new tenant.As a market feasibility,fiscal impact and community desires.
<br /> result we recently commissioned a market study to deter-
<br /> mine what our options were.The most notable finding in �. „� „'�•; `":
<br /> the study was the estimate that the entire trade area,which : : 1,11L-ClUrc
<br /> includes pretty much all of Louisville and Superior,could -r .. �.�°s
<br /> support around 149,000 square feet of new retails ace.The , Lo1 i �`°' '
<br /> pp q p f �Q • r� ti 1e .fi
<br /> Sam's Club buildingalone is 128,000 square feet.We have ' ' "P?'f°0' °' ':�_ •
<br /> concluded this requires us to rethink the vision for that area c ,o�+�' ,:,,
<br /> and allow a greater mix of uses,to make it feasible for some- +ko-i''"�+ Y �rj -= _ gar„
<br /> one to redevelop the Sam's and Kohl's properties.This might � —'� ' y � - '�
<br /> be a mix of smaller retail,office and residential,including a "�r ;..•+,.. s. ,, .
<br /> lead.I �]A y I �� .+�.:� R. � 1^^.:.
<br /> significant community amenity such as a park or other public 11$3 k• ��;.,., :
<br /> "-
<br /> gathering place. This is a big change for our community but ;. �� ` - ' �'r: a �'
<br /> g gg g Y �. do - • _
<br /> the evidence appears to demonstrate that the current option 1. -:-r- Y
<br /> only continues to have underutilized or empty buildings(see
<br /> article below for more information).
<br /> The consultant's final recommendation was to look at land
<br /> It's been a good winter for snowfall in the mountains which use and zoning changes to allow for a parcel by parcel rede-
<br /> means a good year for water supply in Louisville and the velopment within the Parcel 0 area.In February 2019,City
<br /> Front Range. As we all know,however,water is a precious Council directed staff to begin preparing a GDP amendment
<br /> resource and we always plan for drought years. The City has to allow mixed use(retail,commercial,hotel and residential)
<br /> a good reliable water supply,as we own rights in both South redevelopment and to begin work with the area property
<br /> Boulder Creek and in the Colorado-Big Thompson project on owners to modify the private restrictive covenants to allow
<br /> the western slope.With the changing climate,water storage for the new uses.Such modifications are expected to come
<br /> is becoming ever more important.The City has joined with back to City Council for review this summer.You can view up-
<br /> other communities in the region to build a new reservoir to coming meeting agendas and packets on the City's website
<br /> store our Colorado River water.This has been in process for at
<br /> 16 years but the permits have been approved and we expect council-meeting-agendas-packets-minutes.
<br /> construction of Chimney Hollow Reservoir(west of Carter
<br /> Lake)to begin late this year.It will take about 4 years to build LOUISVILLE TRASH SERVICE UPDATE
<br /> the dam and a few years after that to fill the lake,but in the
<br /> long run this will be an important addition to the Louisville On March 5th,City Council made the decision to award a
<br /> water portfolio. 5-year contract to Republic Services as the single waste
<br /> I hope to see you out on the trails or at a great Louisville sum- hauler for the City's refuse,recycling and compost services
<br /> mer event sometime soon. starting in September 2019.Western Disposal will continue
<br /> to provide service through August 2019.The decision comes
<br /> -Bob after a year-long process with several public meetings.As
<br /> part of its purchasing policy requirements,the City is re-
<br /> MCCASLIN PARCEL 0 REDEVELOPMENT UPDATE quired to issue a Request for Proposals(RFP)every 5 years for
<br /> these services(as we do annually for street paving,concrete
<br /> Louisville's economy has grown significantly over the last replacement,etc.)that invites qualified providers to submit a
<br /> several years.Since 2012,there have been over 3,800 new proposal,which we evaluate against review criteria.The City
<br /> jobs created by Louisville employers;household incomes awards a contract based on the most complete proposal for
<br /> in Louisville have grown by almost$10,000 and Louisville services and cost.
<br /> businesses have invested approx.$285,000,000 in their loca-
<br /> tions,all generating revenue for the City.While Louisville This year the City asked providers to submit proposals with
<br /> remains in a strong fiscal and economic position,we are still an embedded compost rate,where any size composting con
<br /> challenged to retain large retailers as we see an expansion tainer is included in the monthly pricing and can promote
<br /> of Internet sales nationwide.Additionally,the average rental additional diversion of waste(like your recycling is now).
<br /> rate in Louisville is higher than other areas within the region. One of the goals of the Louisville Sustainability Action Plan
<br /> is to increase landfill diversion of waste products through
<br /> As the Mayor mentioned,the City initiated a study in July increased recycling and composting activities.As a result,the
<br /> 2018 to identify opportunities within the McCaslin Boule- City continues to be committed to pay as you throw pricing,
<br /> yard area that will encourage retail vibrancy,commercial so your bill will be lower if you generate less trash.
<br /> Page 2 • June 2019
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