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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 11 2019 <br />Page 5 of 15 <br />Councilmember Leh asked if the Council should set forth our priorities in a policy <br />document in advance of the budget discussion or let this document guide the LRC and <br />have a foundational discussion during the budget approval <br />Councilmember Maloney felt this was a policy tool He wanted to determine what the <br />policy should be and then decide when and if it is used <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated to develop a sound policy the Council would need to <br />have a discussion that has not happened If goals and gaps had been determined, <br />priorities and criteria could be better determined We need to have a process that furthers <br />community goals If an application needs to be continued, it would be appropriate <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated this policy should give Council guidance on how to process <br />and review applications for TIF There is interest in the business and development <br />community to use this tool This policy draft may not be perfect timing, but we do need <br />something to fill the vacuum Notwithstanding Councilmember Stolzmann's discussion of <br />goals and plans, the area has changed considerably since we created the Highway 42 <br />plan and the LRC Downtown was of great concern then, Hwy 42 was very different and <br />was a corridor ripe for change and reinvestment. We wanted to have tools to help <br />facilitate that. The community is much different now in terms of economic vibrancy We <br />are dealing with old paradigms that don't necessarily fit today and have to do the best we <br />can with what we have The City Manager is working on looking at an economic <br />development plan and we should brush off the Urban Renewal Plan and look at what we <br />need to focus on today to move the community forward Take time to do it right. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton stated we need a policy in place now even if it gets revised in the <br />future He feels Council and the LRC have to work together and be consistent in goals, <br />strategies, and reviews He wants the collaboration to continue <br />Councilmember Loo agreed with Mayor Pro Tem Lipton She stated the document is <br />workable and good It may not be perfect but that shouldn't get in the way of coming up <br />with some guidelines <br />Mayor Pro Tem Lipton suggested criteria #6 should read For property within downtown <br />Louisville the project is consistent with the City's historic preservation goals and <br />objectives <br />Councilmember Leh stated the LRC and Council should work together; we should have a <br />strong budget discussion about if the proper values are being met with the LRC budget. <br />Councilmember Keany agreed with Councilmember Loo this policy will likely be changed <br />but it should move forward so we have something in place He supports it as presented <br />Councilmember Stolzmann noted this is LRC criteria, and asked how it applies to Council <br />review <br />