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City Council Minutes 2019 06 11
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2019 City Council Minutes
City Council Minutes 2019 06 11
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City Council Records
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City Council Minutes
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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />June 11 2019 <br />Page 4 of 15 <br />consistent with historic preservation goals and objectives, Page 4 - Shall instead of may - <br />shall be referred at LRC expense <br />Councilmember Maloney stated it needs to be clear what Council and LRC expectations <br />are and what the framework for making decisions will be For the rebate consideration he <br />likes the new language of 50% for five years and 90% for 10 years as it is about long-term <br />economic development and increasing property and sales tax. He would like Council to <br />consider the impact of a development and the impact over time He recommended being <br />able to do an annual review to gauge the level of impact the project is having <br />Councilmember Maloney asked what happens if the City is financially unable to rebate <br />the funds, do we need language stating there have to be funds available for any rebates <br />City Attorney Kelly noted the TIF funds would be LRC funds not a part of the City's <br />General Fund The City could not use TIF funds to backfill any municipal services <br />Councilmember Stolzmann stated the changes do improve the document but thinks the <br />Council needs to establish principles showing what this is trying to accomplish She <br />stated for many areas of Main Street you can no longer find blight so we should limit this <br />funding for those areas to remedy that. She stated all government funds come from taxes <br />or fees We need clear policies for when we give out government subsidies. When we <br />give tax rebates we are subsidizing We need to clearly define the problem we are trying <br />to solve, this is reactive not addressing goals we know we want to further We need to <br />identify the shortcomings we want to address We need more foundational and goal <br />setting first and then can discuss the tools we want to use to meet those goals <br />Councilmember Leh suggested removing blight elimination as a criteria as that should <br />already be the basis and these criteria are in addition It should not be a separate criteria <br />We need to identify the particular items that need to be included and put specificity in the <br />criteria without preventing the LRC from doing its job <br />Councilmember Leh stated this policy should not be used to limit the scope of the blight <br />determination If we need to do that we should do it formally Councilmember Stolzmann <br />stated that was not what her comments were meant to do <br />Councilmember Leh stated there could be more granular conversation but he was not <br />sure if that is the work the LRC has been asked to do <br />Councilmember Maloney stated the agreement between the Council and LRC has <br />Council approving the LRC budget. If there are programmatic goals shared by Council, <br />perhaps we need a budget discussion of what we value If we want to budget for <br />infrastructure, we should be clear and show that is what the Council values <br />
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