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Youth Advisory Board Meeting Rules <br />The following rules were created by previous board members. <br />1. Listen to the speaker. Save side conversations until after the meeting. Make eye <br />contact with the speaker to show you are listening and understand. <br />2. Do not interrupt whoever is speaking. Wait until they are done. <br />3. Respect other's views; do not put other's ideas or comments down. <br />4. Raise your hand if you would like to speak. The Chairperson will call on members to <br />speak. If you feel the Chairperson did not see your hand raised, you can say "excuse <br />me, I have something to share..." <br />Other things to remember during the official meeting time: <br />1. Speak loud and clear so everyone can hear you. <br />2. Keep it relevant and respectful. <br />3. Present a positive image, you are representing your school & the City of <br />Louisville and the youth of Louisville. <br />Youth Advisory Board Officials <br />Officials <br />The following individuals hold important roles in the functioning of the Louisville <br />Youth Advisory Board and their proceedings: <br />Officers: The Louisville Youth Advisory Board shall have the following officers: <br />Chair: The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the Board. <br />He or she shall facilitate the development of the meeting <br />agenda and represents the Board at City Council or other <br />meetings/events. <br />Vice -Chair: The Vice -Chair shall perform the duties of the Chair in the <br />absence of the Chairperson. In case of a vacancy in the <br />office of Chairperson, the Vice -Chairperson shall perform <br />such duties as are imposed on the Chair until such time as <br />the Board selects a new Chairperson from among its <br />members. <br />Secretary: The Secretary will keep accurate minutes of all YAB <br />meetings and provide staff liaisons with a copy of the <br />minutes within 7 days of the meeting. The Secretary shall <br />sign the official records of the Youth Advisory Board. He or <br />she shall review the minutes of the previous meeting to <br />include all motions and votes taken. The Secretary shall <br />work closely with the Staff Liaisons to assure that accurate <br />record keeping and correspondence occurs. <br />