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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />November 19, 2019 <br />Page 3 of 7 <br />OATHS OF OFFICE FOR CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS <br />Presiding Municipal Judge David Thrower swore in Councilmember Maloney, <br />Councilmember Fahey, Councilmember Dickinson and Mayor Stolzmann. <br />Mayor Muckle passed the gavel to Mayor Stolzmann. A short reception was held for the <br />new members of Council. <br />CITY MANAGER'S REPORT <br />City Manager Balser stated on Thursday, November 21 the downtown holiday lights will <br />be turned on. <br />REGULAR BUSINESS <br />816 MAIN STREET LANDMARKING AND PRESERVATION GRANT <br />RESOLUTION NO. 49, SERIES 2019 — A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING 816 MAIN <br />STREET A HISTORIC LANDMARK <br />RESOLUTION NO. 50, SERIES 2019 — A RESOLUTION APPROVING A <br />PRESERVATION AND RESTORATION GRANT FOR WORK ON 816 MAIN STREET <br />Mayor Stolzmann introduced the item and asked if there are any disclosures. Seeing <br />none she opened the public hearing. <br />Planner Selvoski stated this is a request to landmark 816 Main Street and for a <br />Preservation and Restoration Grant for work on the historic structure. Selvoski noted the <br />resolution in the packet had been updated to specifically note the neon sign is included in <br />the landmark designation. <br />She reviewed the criteria for the landmarking noting the building meets the age criteria; as <br />well as the criteria for architectural, social, and geographic significance. In addition, the <br />physical integrity from the 1955 modifications has been retained. <br />She reviewed the grant request and how the funds will be used for preservation of the <br />building, rehabilitation of the interior to bring the building up to current code, and <br />restoration work on the sign. <br />The grant requests equal $113,687.50; $50,000 is a landmark incentive grant which is <br />unmatched, $63,687.25 matching grant. She noted the Historic Preservation Fund (HPF) <br />currently has a $2.4M balance. <br />Staff recommends approval of both the landmark and the grant. <br />