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5, <br /> retain and hold the sum of $500.00 to pay for completion of the <br /> collection ditch if same becomes necoasaru and if not necessary that <br /> not to exceed 4250.00 thereof be used by the town in the purchase of <br /> extra water in, 1934 if such purchase becomes necessary due to in, <br /> completion of the ditch, but that the Casualty Company shall not <br /> assume but one of these two liabilities, viz, completion of the ditch <br /> or parent for said water in such maximun sum. It was then moved by <br /> Gutfelder and seconded' by Ferrari that the town now in view of tee <br /> approval by the State ngineer7s office of the resevoir dam, in con- <br /> juciton with the approval of same by Me. Chatfield and the approval <br /> of Mr. Chatfield of the itogers Pass ditch from the upper or the northerly <br /> end down to the divided between Fawn Creek and Jim Creek as being in <br /> accorcance with specifications for same, formally accept such reservoir <br /> with its appurtant works below sand and the said portion of said ditch; <br /> that the sum of 3.,625.00 remaingin unpaid to U. H. Bashor on account <br /> of the said contract with him, the sum of 01,065,00 remainging unpaid <br /> to W: H. Bashor on account of the said contract with him, the sum of <br /> 0106500 be paid to him and the ikm Amsterdam Casualty Company jointly <br /> as requested by it and the said Basher. J'hat the sum of 060.00 be retained by <br /> the Town for the payment of the balance due for the clearing of the <br /> basin and the other works below the dam; that the balance of 0500.00 <br /> be retained and held by the town for the ptrposo of insuring the <br /> completion of the s*Md ditch should same become necessary because <br /> of inability of the town to make a reasonably, or angyagreement <br /> with the City of Denver for the carriage of our western slope water <br /> through its water bore or in the attenative for the pruchase of water <br /> by the town during 1034 for not to exceed )250.00 and that the said <br /> Casualty Company shall be chargeable only for the complotion, of the <br /> said ditch or for such water purchsse in said sum, but not for both <br /> the same. On the question of obtaining the necessary funds to make <br /> payment specified in the foregoing motion, it4was proposed that the <br /> town order a transfer from the general fund the wum of 125.00 to the <br /> water bond snecial fund and that we then draw upon the said water <br /> bond soecial fund in the sum of $ 1,065.00 to pay to W. H. bashor <br /> and the New Amsterdam Casualty Company by a warrent in their joint <br /> names and the sum of 460.00 for the labor mentioned in said fore- <br /> going motion and which is payable to Harry Jenkins , John Stevens, <br /> and William Jenkins that the sum of 0125.00 so transfered from the <br /> general fund to such. water bond special fund be reinbursed as and <br /> when the water assessments are collected for the quarter begining <br /> April. 1st 1934. <br /> August 29, 1934 Mayor Golden brought up the Rogers Pass ditch <br /> question in behalf of Dr. Basher. Mr. Bashor wants to know if he <br /> can get some action of the board about accepting the ditch as completed. <br /> A committee of board was recently over the ditch with Mr. Bashor and <br /> examined the same. It was moved by Ross and seconded by Varley that <br /> we accept the Rogers Pass ditch providing the meters are completed <br /> on ditch and reservoir and a receipt given so the town by the state <br /> engineer for one meter to be installed at the reservoir on Mamoth <br /> creek and to beefttalled at Jfeetr,pfficehea,eriedeslt was moved by <br /> Ferrari that the -Lown Troasueer make -reparation for the sale of <br /> a0$00,00 bond series of 1932. Detach all matured coupons compute <br /> the accrued interest on the bond to date of sale on the coupon <br /> maturing Jan. 1st 1935 and sell such bond for face value plus such <br /> accrued interest and deposit the funds in the general fund of the <br /> Town to provide the finds to pay balance due Dr. Bashor. seconded <br /> by Bottinelli Carried. <br /> August 20, 1935 Mr. Bashor came before the board in behalf <br /> of the Mammoth water situation and at length 'Uhs. Bashor stated that <br /> he would be able to give some intelligent information concerning <br /> the water problen in the near4uture so it was then decided to table <br /> the matter till then. <br />