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ORDINANCE NO, 1 <br />:JAIL KEEPER AND PRISONERS. <br />AN ORDINANCE CONERNING„ THE KEEPER OF .JAIL, MANAGtENT AND <br />CONDUCT OF PRISONERS.= -Passed July 3, 1894. <br />Conviction--Committal--Time. <br />Section 1. Any person upon whom any fine or penalty shall have <br />been imposed shall, upon the order of the court or magistrate be- <br />fore which the conviction shall have been had, be committed to the <br />town calaboose, or other place provided by the town for incarceration <br />of offenders until such tine, penalty and costs shall have been fully <br />paid. Provided that no such imprisonment shall exceed ninety days <br />for any ,one offense. <br />Town Marshal --Keeper. <br />Section 2. As far as the purposes of the town are concerned, the <br />Town Marshal shall be the keeper of any such place and at any time, <br />as the case may require, the Board of Trustees may appoint one <br />more assistant keeper thereof, who' shall be subject to the order <br />of the Town Marshal; he shall have the authority to exercise all <br />the power's of the said Marshal, in his capacity as keeper of such <br />place, as far, as the exercise of such powers shall not be inconsist- <br />ent with or contrary to the order of such Marshal. <br />Employment of Convicts. <br />Section 3. As fax as practicable the Town Marshal shall keep all <br />persons committed as aforesaid employed for the city at such use- <br />ful labor as his or her strength will permit, within or without <br />any such place of incarceration, eight hours each working day, and <br />for such work the persons so employed shall be allowed, exclusive <br />of his or her board, two dollars per day for each day's work on <br />account of such fine and costs, but should the prisoner fail, through <br />no fault of the said prisoner, to work the specified number of hours <br />in any day, he shall receive credit in a ratable sum for the time <br />during which he shall have been thus engaged in such day. <br />How Employed <br />Section 4. When not otherwise directed by the Board of Trustees, <br />such prisoners shall be employed in some public work for the town. <br />Refusal to Work --Close Confinement. <br />Section 5. Any person who shall refuse to work or shall behave in <br />a riotous or disorderly manner, or shall resist or attempt to es- <br />cape from the place of incarceration, may be committed to close <br />and solitary confinement, and may be fed on bread and water until <br />he shall have consented to perform his duty, and may if necessary, <br />be put in irons. <br />Payment of Fine --Release. <br />