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ORDINANCE NO. 124 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS ONE ( I) TWO ( 2) , FOUR (4) , FIVE <br /> ( 5) , SIX ( 6) , SEVEN ( 7) , EIGHT (8) , NINE (9) , TEN (10) ELEVEN ( 11) , <br /> TWELVE (12) , THIRTEEN (13) , FOURTEEN (14) , FIFTEEN (15) , SIXTEEN ( lib) , <br /> SEVENTEEN ( 17) , AND TWENTY ( 20) , OF AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE <br /> IN RELATION TO ANIMALS RUNNING AT LARGE" WHICH ORDINANCE IS NUMBER <br /> EIGHTEEN (18) , AND WAS ADOPTED MARCH 28, 1895. <br /> BE -IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF LOUISVILLE, <br /> COUNTY OF BOULDER, STATE OF COLORADO: <br /> Section 1. That Sections One ( 1) , Two ( 2) , Four (4) , Five ( 5) Six ( 6) <br /> Seven ( 7) , Eight ( 8) , Nine ( 9) , Ten (10) , Eleven (11) , Twelve (12) , <br /> Thirteen (13) , Fourteen (14) , Fifteen ( 151 , Sixteen (16) , Seventeen <br /> (17) , and Twenty ( 20) , of an Ordinance entitled "An Ordinance in re- <br /> lation to Animals Running at Large" which Ordinance is Number Eighteen <br /> (18) , and was adopted March 28, 1895, is hereby amended to ,read as <br /> follows: <br /> Section 2. HERDING OR GRAZING UNLESS SECURELY PICKETED FORBIDDEN. <br /> It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to allow to run at large <br /> or to herd or graze any cattle, hogs , sheep, poultry, or any animal <br /> or animals, upon or in any street, avenue , alley or public place in <br /> the Town of Louisville, or upon any vacant or unenclosed lots or blocks <br /> Or other mentioned or enclosed premises in said town, whether said an- <br /> imals are attended by any person or persons or not: Provided, that <br /> the foregoing shall not be held to apply to any animal securely tied <br /> or staked beyond the reach of any tree or ornamental shrubs on vacant <br /> lots. Any animal or animals .found grazing, roaming, or being herded <br /> within the Town Limits in violation of the forgoing provisions shall <br /> be deemed and taken to be run at large and shall be dealt with in ac- <br /> cordance to the provisions of this Chapter. <br /> Section 3. DUTY OF MARSHALL TO IMPOUND--POUND ESTABLISHED. <br /> Whenever any cattle, hogs, horses, sheep or any other animals shall be <br /> found running at large, it shall be the duty of the Town Marshal or any- <br /> Town officer to cause the same to be taken up and impounded in the Town <br /> Pound, which is hereby established, and the said Town Marshal shall see <br /> that such animals are properly cared for. <br /> Section 4. NOTICE OF SALE OF IMPOUNDED ANIMALS. <br /> The Town Marshal upon the taking and impounding of any such animals, <br /> shall forthwith give notice thereof by posting notices in three public <br /> places in said town for three consecutive days describing such animals <br /> as near as may be, and that if such animals are not claimed by the owner <br /> within the three days from the posting of said notice and all the ex- <br /> penses of such taking up and impounding paid, such animals shall. be sold <br /> at public sale by said Town Marshall. <br /> Section 5. OWNER MAY RELEASE ON PAYMENT OF COSTS--PAID INTO TOWN <br /> TREASURY. <br /> The owner of any such animals so impounded may have the same released <br /> at any time before the sale thereof, as above provided for, by paying <br /> the Town Marshal all the costs and expenses' of such taking up and <br />