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ORDI1Vr'i'_'J C x( 137 <br /> AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING MOTOR AND OTHER VEHICLES , PROVIDING TRAFFIC <br /> RULES AND RULES OF T112 ROAD, PROVIDING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION THERE' <br /> OF, AND REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 72, BEING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, " AN <br /> ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE USE OF AUTOMOBILES AND OTHER VEHICLES" PASSED <br /> ON THE 5TH DAY OF JULY, 1910, ALSO REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 82, BEING <br /> AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED; "AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 4 OF ORDINANCE <br /> NO. 72, ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE USE OF AUTOMOBILES AND <br /> OTHER VEHICLES , PASSED JULY 5, 1910, " PASSED JULY 6TH, • 1911; ALSO RE- <br /> PEALING ORDINANCE NO. 109, BEING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE <br /> TO PROVIDE FOR THE PLACING OF TRAFFIC SIGNS UPON THE STREETS AND ALLEYS <br /> OF TOWN OF LOUISVILLE, AND TO PROVIDE A PENALTY FOR THE VIOLATION THERE <br /> OF; AND TO REPEAL ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT THERE <br /> WITH" PASSED THE 4TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 1917; ALSO REPEALING ORDINANCE <br /> NO. 125, BEING AN ORDINANCE ENTITLED, "AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE <br /> DRIVING OF MOTOR VEHICLES, WITHOUT A MUFFLER, WITH CUT-OUT OPEN, AND <br /> MAKING OF UNDUE AND FALSE ALARMS WITH HORNS, SIRENS AND OTHER WARNING <br /> DEVICES ON MOTOR VEHICLE, AND PROVIDING A PENALTY FOR CONVICTION THERE <br /> OF" PASSED THE 3RD DAY OF AUGUST, 1920; AND REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES <br /> AND PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT HEREWITH. <br /> BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE TOWN OF LOUISVILLE; <br /> Section 1. DEFINITIONS; The term "Street" shall apply to that part of <br /> the public highway intended for vehicles; the term "Motor Vehicles" <br /> shall apply to all vehicles propelled by any power other than muscular <br /> power, the term "Driver" shall apply to a rider, driver or leader of <br /> a horse; to a person who pushes , draws, propels or operates, or is in <br /> charge of a vehicle; the term "Vehicle" shall apply to all conveyances <br /> except, a baby carriage or railroad car; the term "Parked" shall apply <br /> to a waiting vehicle , except vehicles Stopped to load or unload; the <br /> term "Street" Intersection" shall apply to any street which joins an- <br /> other at an angle, whether it crosses the street or not. <br /> Section 2. LIGHTS. (a) During the period between one half hour' after <br /> sunset and one half hour before sunrise , and at all other times and <br /> places when and where there is insufficient light clearly to reveal <br /> all persons and objects five hundred feet distant , all motor vehicles <br /> shall display one red light visible three hundred feet , only from the <br /> rear, and two white side or head lights, visible three hundred feet <br /> ahead, except that motorcycles are required to display only one head- <br /> light. All headlights shall be of white or amber light, or of inter- <br /> mediate shades. Vehicles lighted with headlights shall have the right <br /> of way at crossings over vehicles not displaying headlights. <br /> Parked motor vehicles , during the period between one hour after sun- <br /> set and one half hour before sunrise , and at all other times where <br /> there is insufficient light to reveal such vehicles 150 feet from the <br /> rear, shall be required to display one red light visible only from <br /> the rear, and when parked on streets where there is sufficient light <br /> to clearly reveal the vehicles from a distance of at least 150 feet , <br /> no lights shall be required. <br /> (b) Motor vehicle headlights, shall produce sufficient light to re- <br /> veal objects, one hundred and fifty feet ahead, and shall be permanently <br /> adjusted and directed so that on level ground the main shaft of clear 4. <br /> • condensed light shall be projected straight forward, and that no por- <br />