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ORDINANCENO: 188. <br /> AN ORDINANCE TO CONTRACT AId INDEBTEDNESS ON BEHALF OF THE TOWN <br /> QF LOUISVILLE,', COLORADO AND UPON THE CREDIT THEREOF, BY ISSUING BONDS <br /> OF SAID TOYVN IN THE PRINCIPAL SUM OF TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS FOR THE IM- <br /> PROVEJIENT ''AND EXTENSION OF WATER WORKS FOR FIRE AND DOMESTIC PURPOSES, <br /> PRESCRIBING THE FORM OF SAID BONDS , AND PROVIDING FOR THE LEVYING OF <br /> TAXES TO PAY' THE SAME. <br /> Whereas, a majority of the voters of the Town of Louisville, who <br /> were taxpayers under the law, voting on the question' at an election <br /> held in and for the Town of Louisville , on the 8th clay of May, A.D. <br /> 1894, by their vote approved and authorized the Town Board of Trustees <br /> to erect a system of waterworks for fire and domestic purposes, the <br /> same to 4e owned and ,operated by the Town, and <br /> Whereas , the present water system is inadequate for the said <br /> Town and the inhabitants thereof, and in order that the present and <br /> future needs of the people may be met , it is necessary to erect and <br /> construct additions , extensions and improvements to the said water- <br /> works system in order to supply the said town and the inhabitants <br /> thereof with a proper and adequate supply of water; and <br /> Whereas, there are not sufficient funds in the treasury of said <br /> town to provide for the necessary additions, extensions and improve- <br /> " ' ments to said waterworks system, and the Board of Trustees deems it <br /> advisable and necessary to issue additional coupon bonds of the said <br /> town to supply the said town and its inhabitants with water, as here- <br /> inafter set forth: <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE <br /> TOWN OF LOUISVILLE, COLORADO: <br /> Section 1. That for the purpose' of providing funds for the extension <br /> and improvement of the Louisville waterworks system by the erection <br /> of a filter, as originally contemplated and authorized by the Town <br /> of Louisville, the town shall issue the negotiable coupon bonds <br /> thereof, in the principal sum of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000) , <br /> consisting of twenty bonds in denominations of $500. 00 each, pay- <br /> able in such funds as are , on the respective dates of payment of the <br /> principal of and interest on the bonds , legal tender for debts due <br /> the United States of America and bearing interest from and after <br /> the, 1st day of June; A. D. 1936, at the rate of five per centum per <br /> annum, payable semi-annually, on the 1st day of June and the 1st <br /> day of December in each year, and evidenced by interest coupons <br /> attached to said bonds. Said bonds shall be numbered in regular <br /> and consecutive order, commencing with number one, and shall mature <br /> in the order of their number, $500. 00 on the first day of June in <br /> each of the years 1938 to 1947, inclusive , $1000.00 on the ,1st day <br /> of June in each of the years 1948 to 1950, inclusive, and •$2000.90 <br /> on the first day of June in the year 1951,. Said bonds and the cou- <br /> pons shall be payable at the office of the Town Treasurer, in the <br /> Town of Louisville, Boulder County, Colorado. Said bonds shall bear <br /> the date the 1st ,day of June, A. D. 1936, and shall be signed by <br />