..1,,,,..,.,4,. au 1cjet,L l 011 as
<br /> "Proposition No. 1," the question of mediate preservation of the public
<br /> the offer of the Rocky Mountain Fuel peace, health and safety of the Town
<br /> of Louisville and the inhabitants there-
<br /> Company, as heretofore conditionally
<br /> ORDINANCE NO. 140 accepted by the Board of Trustees, as of.
<br /> An ordinance to submit tc. the goal- aforesaid, to convey and transfer to
<br /> Louis Gutfelder, Jr.
<br /> Hied electors of the Town of Louisville the town,or to cause to be so conveyed Mayor Pro Tern
<br /> the regular municipal election of and transferred to it, the following Attest
<br /> April 1st, 1924, the question of their describedN. E. Rockley,
<br /> approval of a r� osition from the premises situated in the
<br /> P P County of Boulder and State of Town Clerk
<br /> Rocky Mountain Fuel Co., to transferri Colorado, to-wit; The foregoing ordinance was intro-
<br /> and convey to the Town certa prop- Lots One (1) to Six (6) inclusive, in duc d, read, adopted and ordered pub-
<br /> erty in Caledonia Place Add tion in Block Ten (10); lished by publication in the Louisville
<br /> consideration of the cancellation and Lots One (1) to Six (6) inclusive and Times on this 4th day of March,A. D.
<br /> liquidation of the claim of the Town Lots Nine (9) to Twelve(12) inclu-
<br /> against said Company, and releasing sive, Block Eleven (11); N. E. Rockley,
<br /> such future damages to the streets, All of Block Twelve (12); Town Clerk
<br /> alleys and water system within the Lots One (1) to Threeinclusive, MarchPublhed in the Louisville Times, of!
<br /> (3) 7, 1924, A. D.
<br /> original town plat as may be due to Lot Five (5) and Lots Seven (7,
<br /> mining thereunder by such Company to Twelve (12) inclusive. Block
<br /> to the 7t.. day of August, 1923, and on Thirteen (13);
<br /> condition that no further mining will All of Block Fourteen (14);
<br /> lbe done or permitted by it to be done All of Block Eighteen (18), with the
<br /> ',under the original town or Jefferson exception of what is known as
<br /> Place Addition from any present- "Tract No. 692" of Assessor's
<br /> 'worked vein;ratifying and confirming Tracts. All in Caledonia Place
<br /> the acceptance of such proposition by Addition to the Town of Louisville,
<br /> the Board of Trustees, subject to the subject to all prior reservations of
<br /> approval of the electors; and to submit coal and other minerals of record.
<br /> to such electors at such election the la consideration of the cancellation
<br /> question of devoting such land, if so by the Town of its claim for damages
<br /> acquired, for a town park and pleasure against said Company from the 23rd
<br /> ground. day of December, 1916, to the day of
<br /> Whereas, The Rocicyy Mountain Fuel such election for and on account of
<br /> Company, shortly prior to the 7th day injury to its water system and its out
<br /> ' of August,1923, offereel to the Town lays and expenses therefor, d ie or
<br /> of Louisville, by way of compromise claimed to be due to the mining, pera-
<br /> -of certain claims against it presented tions of said c oirpany within the cerri-
<br /> ,by the Town for'damages to the Town tory embraced in the Original Town of
<br /> 'water system, supposed to have been Louisville and Jefferson Place Addition,
<br /> 'caused by the mining nps ratit-is of said and in consid:ration of the release by
<br /> ;Company from beneath the original the Town of any damages which may
<br /> 'Town and Jefferson Pia ce Addition, to accrue to it in the .suture within the said
<br /> 'transfer and convey, or cause to be territory from any mining operations
<br /> transferred and conveyed to the Town carried on or done by said Company to
<br /> all of the land owned Icy it in Caledonia the 7th day of August, 1923, and in
<br /> Place Addition lying east of the Colo- consideration that the said Company
<br /> redo& Southern Railway and south of shall not in the future carry on any
<br /> Griffith Street, as hereinafter mi re mining operations or eermit any to be
<br /> particularly 'described, in liquidation carried on within the said territory
<br /> of such claims, *although denying)ia- through or in any present worked vein.
<br />