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------- -- ----- <br /> I <br /> bility for the greater part thereof, and Section 2. The ballot title of such <br /> in consideration of the cancellatior of t uestion shall be; <br /> Isanin and upon tti-e further con- For Acceptance of Rocky Mountain <br /> I sideration that the Town release any Fuel Company Offer <br /> and all claims for any damages accru- against Acceptance or Rocky Moun- <br /> ing subsequent to the time of such tain Fuel Company offer <br /> offer, add in the future, to the streets, Each of which titles shall be, followed <br /> alleys and water system of the town by a square or ruled space on th.mar-, <br /> within the territory embraced in th; gin wherein the voter shall indicate his <br /> original town ann Jefferson Place choice by placing a cross mark (X', <br /> Addition from any coal mining opera_ and which ballot title shall appear on <br /> tions theretofore done by saidCompany, the ballot immediately following and <br /> and upo.r the further consideration that underneath the words, <br /> said Company would not do any further "Protosition No. I " <br /> mining in the said territory, nor permit section 3. That there shall also be <br /> any mining therein, from any present submitted at the said election to the <br /> worked vein; that the land above re- vote of the qualified electors of the <br /> ferred to is as follows, to-wit: Town and voting thereat, for their ap- <br /> Lots One (1) to rix (6) inclusive, proval or rejection, the question of <br /> Block Ten (10); devoting the land described in Section <br /> Lots One (1) to Six t6), inclusive and 1 hereof providing same is acquired <br /> Lots Nine (9) to Twelve (12) inelu- pursuant to an affirmative vote uncles- <br /> sive, Block Eleven (11); said "Proposition No. 1", for park <br /> All of Block Twelve (12t; and pleasure ground purposes of the <br /> Lots One tl) to Three (3) inclusive, Town. <br /> Lot Five (5) and Lots Seven (7) to Section 4: The ballot title of such <br /> Twelve (12) inclusive, Block '1'hir- question shall be: <br /> teen (13); For establishment of Park and <br /> All of Block Fourteen .14); Pleasure ground <br /> All of Block Eighteen (18) with the Agajnst establishment of Park and <br /> exception of what iii known as Pleasure Ground <br /> "Tract No. 692" of Assessor's Each of which titles shall be followed <br /> 'tracts; by a square or ruled space on the <br /> All in Caledonia Place Addition to the margin wherein the voter shall in- <br /> the Town of Louisville and contain- dicate his choice by placing a cross- <br /> ing approximately 24 acres, sub- mark (X), and which ballot titre shall <br /> ject to all prior reservations of appear on the ballot immediately fo- <br /> coal and other minerals of record. lowing and underneath the words, <br /> And, "Proposition No,2." <br /> Whereas, The Board of Trustees of' Section 5, The Town Clerk in pro <br /> the L'own by Resolution duly adopted viding ballots for said election of Town <br /> on the 7th day of August, 1923, ac- officers, shall, as a part of such ballots <br /> cepted the said proposition so made to and following the names of nominees <br /> it by the said Rocky tVlountainFu;lCom- and the usual blank spaces, cause to <br /> pany,. conditioned on the approval of be printed thereon the said questions <br /> the electors of the Town thereon mentioned in paragraphs 1, 2, 3, and, <br /> expressed by a majority vote of those 4 hereof and in the manner and form <br /> voting thereon at the next regular as prescribed in paragraphs 2 and 4 <br /> municipal election, and, hereof. <br /> Whereas, The regular municipal Section 6. That the counting, re <br /> election of said Town is to be held on cording and certifying the vote on the <br /> the first day of April, 1924, and that questions submitted on the,.said ballot <br /> such question can be readily vo i ed up'- by the judges and clerks of election, <br /> on at such election, afid, and the canvass of the returns thereon, <br /> Whereas, In the opinion of the Board shall be done as provided for in case <br /> of Trustees of the Town, said land, if of Town officers at such election. <br /> so acquired aweresult, ofithe fa,or able Section 7. That if upon a canvass of <br /> vote of a majority of electors the returns of the votes upon the said <br /> voting on such question at such election, questions under the said proposition <br /> No. 1" and "Proposition No. 2", suf- <br /> is suitable for a site for a pin lt and ficient votes are found to have been <br /> pleasure ground for the Town; and, cast in favor of "Proposition No, 1," <br /> Whereas, It is required o the or on the affirmative side of the c ues- <br /> statutes of the State of Colors dho that don thereunder and likewise as to said <br /> the question of the acquisition f,and "Proposition No. 2," then the Board <br /> for park and pleasure ground pv r; oses of Tr :steee of the Town will he deemed <br /> sTtall be submitted .et a regular :action authorized to accept a conveyance of <br /> for officers of the Town to the rote of the said land under the conditions <br /> the qualified electors thereof c their aforesaid and to establish a park and <br /> approval or rejection and for pleasure ground of said land. In the <br /> such approval a majority vote if the event that said "Proposition No. 1" <br /> electors voting on suc' rests ition; and, carries and "Proposition No. 2" does <br /> Whereas, Such Uuesti », ean be not carry, then said land shall be held <br /> readily voted upon et i u;.,r elec and dealt with as the electors of said <br /> tion of town officers to be bele on the 1st O of April, Town may determine at a future time <br /> NE upon on submission of the <br /> OvV THEREFORE, p question to <br /> Be It Ordained By Thel card of them. In the event neither of said <br /> Trustees Of The Town of Louis- propositions shall carry or if said <br /> ville "Proposition No. 2" carries and <br /> Section 1. That there shall Eye sub- "Proposition No. 1" does not carry, <br /> mitted, at the regular munici;:al elec- <br /> by nothing will be deemed effected <br /> by such vote and nothing further shall <br /> i tion for town officers on the Is day al be done in the premises. <br /> April, .1924, to the v to of the y,ralified Section 8. This ordinance is hereby <br /> electors of the Town and voting liereat declared to benecessary for the im- <br /> for their approval or rejection as mediate preservation of the public <br /> "Proposition No. 1," the question of peace, health and safety of the Town <br /> the offer of the Rocky Mountain Fuel of Louisville and the inhabitants there- <br /> , <br /> u Company, as heretofore conditionally <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 140 accepted by the Board of Trustees, as of. <br /> An ordinance to submit te the qual- aforesaid, to convey and transfer to Louis Gutfelder, Jr, <br /> ified electors of the Town of Louisville the town,or to cause to be so conveyed Mayor Pro Tern <br /> at the regular municipal election of and transferred to it, the following Attest <br /> described premises situated in the N. E. Rock ley, <br /> April 1st, 1924, the question of their <br /> County of Boulder and State of Town Clerk <br /> approval of a preposition from the <br /> Rocky Mountain Fuel. Co., to transfer Colorado, to-wit; The foregoing ordinance was intro- <br /> and convey to the Town certain prop- Lots One (1) to Six (6) inclusive, in due md, read, adopted and ordered pub- <br /> erty in Caledonia Place Addition in Block Ten (10); lished by publication in the Louisville <br /> consideration of the cancellation and Lots One (1) to Six (6) inclusive and Times on this 4th day of March,A. D, <br /> Lots Nine (9) to Twelve(12) 1924. <br /> liquidation of the claim of the Town inclu- <br /> against said Company, and releasing sive, Block Eleven (11); N. E. Rockley, <br /> such future damages to the :streets, All of Block Twelve (12); Town Clerk <br /> alleys and water system within the (1) to Published in the Louisville Times, of <br /> Lots One Three (3) inclusive; March 7, 1924, A. D. <br /> original town plat as may be due to Lot Five (5) and Lots Seven (7; <br /> mining thereunder by such Company to Twelve (12) inclusive, Block <br /> to the It_ day of August, 1923, and on Thirteen (131; <br /> tcondition that no further mining will ' All of Block Fourteen (14); <br /> lbe done or permitted by it to be done All of Block Eighteen (18), with the <br /> sunder the original town or Jefferson exception of what is known as <br /> ,Place Addition from any present- "Tract No. 692" of Assessor's <br /> 'worked vein;ratifying and confirming Tracts. All in Caledonia Place <br /> the acceptance of such proposition by Addy tion to the Town of Louisville, <br /> the Board of Trustees. subject to the subject to all prior reservations of <br /> approval of the electors; and to submit coal and other minerals of record. <br /> to such electors at such election the In consideration of the cancellation <br /> question of devoting such land, if so by the Town of its claim for damages <br /> acquired, for a town park and pleasure against said Company from the 23rd <br /> ground. day of December, 19Th, to the day of <br /> Whereas, The Rock!?Mountain Fuel such election for and on account of <br /> Company, shortly pricer to the 7th day injury to its water system and its out <br /> of August,1923, offerer,i to the Town lays and expenses therefor, d me or <br /> •of Louisville, by way of compromise ,clairned to be due to the mining epera- <br /> 'of certain claims against it presented tions of said e'orepany within the terri- <br /> Aby the Town for damages to the Town try embraced in the Original Town of <br /> .water system. supposed to have been Louisville and Jefferson Place Addition. <br />