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City Council <br />Meeting Minutes <br />February 11, 2020 <br />Page 2 of 4 <br />meeting a final document will be created for members to meet with the City Manager to <br />discuss the results and compensation. <br />Members discussed the timing of how they will receive the data sets so that one set will <br />not influence the other. <br />Ramos reviewed the schedule of the process and noted all information will funnel through <br />her and be disseminated from her. The evaluation instrument will be send to Council by <br />February 14 and will be due by February 24. Members will receive the compiled <br />information for the March 17 executive session. <br />Compensation <br />Director Hix reviewed the City's compensation program including the pay philosophy and <br />the peer cities used for comparison. Director Hix stated the compensation is included in <br />the City's budget and all employees are eligible for merit increases each year. The goal is <br />to attract good employees and retain them. She noted some changes made this year to <br />retain employees, including a larger onetime bonus when a person has maxed out their <br />pay scale, a richer family leave policy, increased tuition reimbursement, and increased <br />bereavement leave. <br />Director Hix reviewed the annual compensation survey process used to make sure jobs, <br />titles, and compensation are appropriate for each title. <br />Councilmember Fahey asked what other benefits outside of compensation are included <br />for City Managers. Director Hix stated she will provide additional information on all the <br />other types of benefits that might be included such as auto allowance, severance <br />package, and retirement contributions. <br />Mayor Stolzmann asked if the same peer cities should be used for the City Manager or <br />does the Council want to include other cities for this specific process. <br />Mayor Pro Tem Maloney stated he thinks the list of cities is sufficient. Councilmember <br />Brown stated it would make sense to find similar cities outside the standard list as this is a <br />unique position. <br />Councilmember Lipton would like to look at comparably sized cities with similar duties. <br />Midrange communities, not Boulder and Broomfield. <br />Members decided to include Castle Rock, Superior, Lone Tree, Parker, and Windsor for <br />this comparison. <br />City Manager Evaluation Tool <br />